Friday, March 4, 2011

What's The Big Deal With Pearl Thong

This and That about the origin of the carnival

What is Mardi Gras originate? What do Alaaf and Helau? Whether Carnival, Mardi Gras or Carnival - the fifth season has many supporters! Relaxed, joyful and full of life and celebrate the fools
revelers the days before the privations of Lent. Because on Ash Wednesday, 46 days before Easter, the hustle and bustle is then back again!
Am 11.11., At 11:11 clock now begins the carnival period and the Mardi Gras season. There are many interpretations of the number. First, the number is a symbol of sin and calls to repentance. It is the first number, which exceeds the ten commandments. Second, the 1 plus 1 is the unity and equality of all means in the carnival revelers. The team also has a political reference. Since the French Revolution ELF stands for E = Egalité, L = Liberté and Fraternité F = (equality, freedom and fraternity).
With Carnival in the Rhineland variant primarily in the strongholds of Cologne, Dusseldorf and Mainz meant. The origin of the word is disputed: The saying of Lent "carne vale" (from Latin), the "flesh, farewell", is probably the origin of the word "carnival".
The word carnival and its regional variations such as Fassenacht, carnival, carnival, Fasent, Faslam are mainly in Hesse and Rhine-Hesse, the Palatinate and in Baden, Swabia and the Saarland used. Rather, it means Carnival in Bavaria, Saxony and North Germany.
The carnival was originally designated the last day (after the last week) before the start of Lent. In the Christian tradition, this day had special educational importance: the sacrilegious excesses of Carnival should symbolize the power of the devil - but lasted only one day, which showed the transitory nature of the devil and of man. Because on Ash Wednesday, the glittering celebrations were over. This highlighted the inevitable reversal for God.
(Source: Carnival, carnival, carnival - symbolism and meaning
and magic of numbers)
There are other interesting aspects about which I will report tomorrow . After all, the carnival has changed over the centuries.


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