the same procedure....
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Lipstick For Fair Skin Blonde Hair
A species Portrait
subject: common pastures Damselfly (Lestes viridis
), male, 12 September 2010

Image data: Canon 50D Charaktierstisch for the whole family are metallic or copper-colored parts of the body
The common willow maid has a wingspan of about 5 to 5.5 cm and 4.5 cm long. This makes it the largest of the Lestidae
. This type has no tires and the dark parts of the body are coppery / metallic.
. This type has no tires and the dark parts of the body are coppery / metallic.
Unique differentiator to the other species is uniform, light brown Flügelmal.
Plain braunes Flügelmal
Die Hinterleibsenden des Männchens sind zangenförmig und kann damit bei der Paarung das Weibchen am Hinterkopf packen. Die unteren ("inneren") Hinterleibsanhänge sind im Unterschied zu anderen Lestidae kurz, spitz und gerade. Hinterleibsanhänge des Männchen
Die Gemeine Weidenjungfer ist sehr häufig und auch an künstlich angelegten Gewässern anzutreffen.
Im Unterschied zu den meisten anderen Libellen legt diese Art ihre Eier nicht an Wasserpflanzen from, but from branches that protrude above the water surface (preferably willow). The dragonflies drilling their eggs under the bark, the branches of which seem to sustain any damage. There, the eggs overwinter and spring can the larvae into the water. This is just about a so-called Prolarve that does not have legs or mouthparts. The Prolarve sheds its skin at the surface for the first time, and then to emerge as a larva with legs, etc. into the water. already slipped a few months later the bubble. 
Sternberg, Buchwald (eds): The dragonflies Baden-Württemberg, Band 1, Stuttgart 1999, S, 379ff
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