Sunday, March 6, 2011

Blue Print On A Swing Set

enmal And something about the origin of the carnival

In the German area, the carnival was in particular in the 14th and 15 Century celebrated. The sacrilegious excesses of Carnival, the power of the devil symbolizes - but lasted only one day, which showed the transitory nature of the devil and of man, because on Ash Wednesday was so all over! This highlighted the inevitable reversal for God and his victory. Through Lent began a period of repentance and forgiveness. The sentiment of Lent "carne vale" is the origin of the word "carnival".
The Reformation abolished the fasting period. Therefore lost the carnival and their customs in the Protestant believers their meaning and survived almost exclusively in the strongly Catholic areas.
In the Baroque and Rococo was removed from the Christian tradition of Shrove Tuesday and celebrated glittering masks and costume balls to palaces and royal courts, inspired by the figures of the Italian Comedia dell arte `.
The development to the street carnival is the craft guilds in the cities of the 18th Century owe. They disguised themselves and satirical performances organized in particular against the houses of rich. A witty and ironic way, they could shake the hierarchy of ranks and were entertained at the end even the rich people.
In the early 19th Century bourgeoisie took over the ceremony, such as in the carnival town of Cologne. The carnival clubs in Cologne, Dusseldorf and Mainz arise and have to date large turnout. The old traditional clubs depend the carnival, and have to this day not lost its prestige.
(Source: Carnival, carnival, carnival - symbolism and meaning)

The origin and history of the carnival reads like a gripping novel. It was also the carnival as a pretext and murdered one or another rival.
Under cover of the masks we often escaped undetected.


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