Die Passionszeit beginnt mit dem Aschermittwoch und dauert bis Karsamstag, sie umfasst 40 Fastentage. Schon im 2. Jahrhundert bereitete man sich durch zweitägiges Fasten auf Ostersonntag before, in the 3rd Century was extended Lent to Holy Week. In the 4th Determines the century Council of Nicaea the 40-day fast, which is to prepare for Easter by the preparation for Baptism and Tauferinnerung and penance. The number 40 stands for a comprehensive period, the turn and a new beginning possible. 1969 renewed the Roman Catholic Church, the basic order of the church year, Lent takes no longer to Holy Saturday, but already ends with the Holy Thursday , but also on Good Friday fasted.
Fast-night was originally the eve of Ash Wednesday, just the night before the fast. Since the 13. Century was regarded as the Carnival period from Thursday before Ash Wednesday until the eve of Ash Wednesday. 1830 in Cologne, was the rose Monday for the climax of the Rhenish Carnival. Carnival from the Latin carne vale means meat, farewell.
Ash Wednesday opens the Lent to Easter . This period includes 46 days, and six Sundays are excluded from fasting, as Christians, every Sunday - also during Lent - the resurrection of Christ celebrate, it will remain so exactly 40 days of fasting. Already in the 2nd Century prepared themselves before two day fast on Easter Sunday . In the 3rd Century was extended Lent to Holy Week. In the 4th Century conducted the first Council of Nicaea the 40-day Lent. All religions know
Fast times, most notably the fasting month of Ramadan in Islam. In the early Church, the baptism performed in Lent an arduous Bußweg, so they would be free of all pagan bonds, taking the fast was a waiver of certain food in the foreground. Bußweg This culminated in the celebration of the Easter Vigil, the candidates were then baptized.
fasting in the biblical sense, but actually means less compliance with certain provisions, as an awareness of the responsibility with the gifts of God and his creation responsibly and in moderation this to use. Fasting thus seen not only to certain areas of life as eating or is only a certain period of time. Fast-conscious times can help but be a more responsible life. In this sense, the Protestant Action

Fast Food are from Ash Wednesday for 40 days no alcohol or meat of warm-blooded animals allowed for human consumption, therefore, has spread as an alternative to the fish. Liquor and beer may be served traditionally on Ash Wednesday again, the beer is therefore for the growth of barley sorgen, der Schnaps die Mücken vertreiben. Im Mittelalter waren die Fastenregeln sehr streng: man durfte nichts essen außer 3 Bissen Brot und 3 Schluck Bier oder Wasser. 1486 erlaubte Papst Innozenz VIII. auch Milchprodukte in der Fastenzeit.
Im Mittelalter waren die Fastenbräuche streng: man durfte nur drei Bissen Brot und drei Schluck Bier oder Wasser zu sich nehmen. 1486 erlaubte der Papst auch Milchprodukte in der Fastenzeit. Ab Aschermittwoch sollen Christen traditionell 40 Tage lang weder Alkohol noch Fleisch konsumieren. Eine erlaubte Alternative ist Fisch, da er nicht blutet. Der Hering als traditionelle Fastenspeisen hat seinen Sinn darin, dass der Körper nach dem oft übermäßigen Genuss im Fasching entschlackt. Schnaps und Bier may be served according to ancient custom, on Ash Wednesday again, because the beer is to ensure healthy development of the barley, sell the liquor to mosquitoes.
Ash Wednesday gets its name because the ashes of the palms from Palm Sunday last year on Ash Wednesday ordained and the believers scattered by the priest on the forehead or the crown will be. It reminds the faithful of the priest: "Remember, O man, thou art dust and to dust you shall return (Psalm 90, 3). Ash is a symbol of both the transience of such repentance and remorse, even the people in the Old Testament covered themselves in sackcloth and ashes (Esther 4, 1) in order to express their penitential spirit, ash wurde als Reinigungsmittel verwendet, daher ist sie das Symbol für die Reinigung der Seele. Ende des 11. Jahrhundert wurde dieser Brauch durch Papst Urban II. eingeführt. Im 12. Jahrhundert wurde festgelegt, dass die Bußasche von Palm- und Ölzweigen der Vorjahres gewonnen werden muss.
Aschermittwoch wurde nach der Volksüberlieferung der Teufel, der einst ein normaler Engel gewesen sei, wegen Verstößen gegen die göttliche Ordnung aus dem Himmel geworfen.
Der Sonntag Laetare, freuet euch , liegt in der Mitte der Fastenzeit. Deren erste Hälfte war von Zurückgezogenheit und Trauer geprägt; ab Laetare sollte der Christ froh dem Palmsonntag entgegen sehen, der stands for the entry of Jesus in Jerusalem, whose sacrifice and thus the salvation of mankind. Until the 19th Century, entered into the Pope on Laetare Sunday with a golden rose in Rome before the faithful. He wanted to draw attention to the approaching time of suffering Christ, the rose is the symbol of Christ. On
Judica Sunday, 14 days before Easter to be in the Catholic Church, all things that represent something Paschal - that crosses and pictures - draped with towels hunger.
The last Sunday of Lent Palm Sunday is the , the Sunday before Easter Sunday
The Catholic Church granted on each Friday of Lent that of the faithful a plenary indulgence, which the En ego, o bone et Dulcissime Jesus after receiving Holy Communion before the image worship of crucified reverently, on all other days of the year for this partial indulgence is granted to:
Source: Ecumenical Holy encyclopedia
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