I received long ago from my grandfather, an old book, "The Carnival in Cologne 1823". It states among others.
"The pre-celebration of the carnival began with the so-called Women's Carnival on Thursday before the same
Then there was the very odd custom, women and girls among themselves tore down the covers, what Mötzenbestoh l called. In the afternoon moved the Bellegeck , an Eau de Cologne mask, with lots of bells hung, in the streets around ...."
Today it is different. Throughout the Rhineland Weiberfastnacht is considered an unofficial holiday. At most workplaces will no longer work at noon. The celebrations usually begin at 11:11 clock. In contrast to Monday and other days there are usually at Weiberfastnacht no moves. It is dressed up in pubs and on the streets celebrating. It is on this day tradition that cut women to men's tie as a symbol of male power. shall cease to the men around only with a tie die, for which he is compensated with a Bützchen (kisses). Today, the men who unfortunately hardly any ties. Since there is nothing to cut.
begin in the Alemannic carnival celebrations with the Schmotz qualities Thursday.
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