..... the tail tits to shoot at least once this winter. They are only short and rare guests and usually come in pairs: one with a light head and one with a striped head pattern.
Design: Long-tailed Tit 21 February 2011
Image data: Canon 50D
subject: Hydrangea, 8 January 2011
Image data: Canon 50D Canon 50D Design: Spitz of 23 February 2011
Image data: Canon 50D
) of 13 February 2011 Motiv: Samenstand der Kanadischen Goldrute ( Solidagoe canadensis
) vom 16. Februar 2011 Aufnahmedaten: Canon 50D
Motiv: Samenstand der Waldrebe (
Clematis vitalba
) vom 13. Februar 2011 
vitalba ) of 13 February 2011

Image data: Canon 50D of railway tracks. Spring and summer, I find it less noticeable, it just climbs up other plants and forms a green curtain. " They can damage the overgrown plants by light deprivation and "strangle" thinner branches
) of 3 January 2009
Image data: Canon 40D
The Canadian goldenrod (Solidago
canandensis ) is one of the Körbchenblütler (
Asteraceae), which also includes dandelion, daisy, daisies and cornflowers. In the Canadian goldenrod is a neophyte Solidago canadensis
) of 16 February 2011 Motiv: Samenstand der Kanadischen Goldrute (
Solidagoe canadensis Aufnahmedaten: Canon 40D Design: Crested Tit of 19 February 2011
Image data: Canon 50D Design: tit of 19 February 2011
Image data: Canon 50D
Design: Blue Tit, 19 February 2011
Image data: Canon 50D This year she is already quite long here, maybe they will? Besides the small spring ball (cock tits) is the crested tit my favorite guest.
Image data: Canon 50D .
The large Araucaria, with its spikes many animals a home When courtship begins the squirrel, then run the animals every year over the same three trees standing side by side in the Garden: Araucaria, Ginkgo and Wellingtonia.
Design: Squirrels of 6 February 2011
Lange are the squirrels, but never in place and up and also much faster than I climbed down the stairs ....

Aufnahmedaten: Canon 50D
Insbesondere die Torfmoose haben mit ihren moorbildenden Eigenschaften eine wichtige Funktion im Ökosystem. Aber auch andere Moose dienen im Wald als Wasserspeicher und regulieren den Wasserhaushalt. Im Gegensatz zu vielen Samenpflanzen sind sie poikilohydrisch , d.h. sie überleben eine Austrocknung und können mit neu aufgenommenem Wasser wieder weiterleben.
Motiv: Laubmoos mit Sporophyten und Eis vom 6. Feburar 2010
Wie auch die Farne spielen sie eine entscheidende Rolle in der Evolution - konkret im Landgang - der Pflanzen. Moose sind sozusagen die ältesten landlebenden Pflanzen. Dies wird auch an einigen Eigenschaften im Vergleich mit Samenpflanzen deutlich: Zur sexuellen Fortpflanzung sind Moose noch auf Wasser angewiesen und sie haben einen deutlich sichtbaren Generationswechsel.
Motiv: Laubmoos, das dunkle ist der Sporophyt, vom 16. Januar 2011
Aufnahmedaten: Canon 50D
Moose fall into three groups:
1) mosses. You are what we generally understand by "Moss"
2) liverworts: You have a flat, mostly flat lying sheets and like to grow in pots in the greenhouse.
3) Moose Horn: They are the oldest group of mosses. 2) liverworts: You have a flat, mostly flat lying sheets and like to grow in pots in the greenhouse.
motive: that's moss: These are the slightly different appearance of the sporophytes Jungerman-Mooser (a subclass of mosses) of 6 March 2008
recording data: Lumix FZ50 - He can not live independently. In the spore capsule form spores, which are widely used in the tearing of the capsule by eg wind. This in turn increases the gametophyte and the cycle can start again.
Image data: Canon 50D
Image data: Canon 50D Do correspond: it was relatively free in a meadow orchard / cow pasture, was a little older, reasonably accessible (when no cows were available) in the background was the sunset and had in particular by a mistletoe charaktersitische form
this tree also. I wanted to always visit and photograph him in different situations. bottom year of this project repeatedly delayed, but after the heavy snowfall in December, I really wanted a winter photo with a white foreground and background and the mis-shapen tree as a silhouette .

But when I was there, I'm looking for a long time until my tree need. I thought he would not. After much research I have found him and see what I had? "My" tree be "brand" has - the mistletoe - lost! Whether dropped or cut off, they're gone. Now I have to either pursue it further or make me to look for a new tree ....
Image data: Canon 40D
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