Wer ist der stolzere Vertreter seiner Zunft - Schwan oder Pfau?
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
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We finally made it ...
here he is, the key to the house!
And like the perfect house signs to course in enamel from the Danish company Ramsign .
They are so nice and thick and hard, I can not even wait for it to install finally.
Sun, and since you tried to find bursts of sheer curiosity, here's only a few times BEFORE pictures.
Please do not scare, so it is not guaranteed!
The hall with cellar door and coated with PVC staircase ... grrrr
The "modern" kitchen of yesteryear ...
... the living room is probably from the time,
... from the old bath never mind.
In here is created but then the new Bad
Doch als zu erst muß alles komplett ausgeräumt und aussortiert werden.
Da finden sich bestimmt ganz viele nette Dinge, die ich euch bestimmt das nächste mal zeige.
Alle Wände und Böden müssen von Tapeten und Teppichen befreit werden und neue Leitungen verlegt.
Nichts was wir hier in unserer Wohnung nicht auch schon gemacht haben.
Wie Ihr seht, es gibt viel zu tun damit es schön und gemütlich wird im Waldstrumpfhäuschen.
Ihr jedoch, könnt euch ganz entspannt in euren cozy home, sit back and us from time to accompany the renovations. Have fun and greetings
Da finden sich bestimmt ganz viele nette Dinge, die ich euch bestimmt das nächste mal zeige.
Alle Wände und Böden müssen von Tapeten und Teppichen befreit werden und neue Leitungen verlegt.
Nichts was wir hier in unserer Wohnung nicht auch schon gemacht haben.
Wie Ihr seht, es gibt viel zu tun damit es schön und gemütlich wird im Waldstrumpfhäuschen.
Ihr jedoch, könnt euch ganz entspannt in euren cozy home, sit back and us from time to accompany the renovations. Have fun and greetings
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.... and today I welcome
hier am Neckarstrand. Nehmt Platz, macht es Euch gemütlich. Ich freue mich, dass Ihr da seid.
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hier am Neckarstrand. Nehmt Platz, macht es Euch gemütlich. Ich freue mich, dass Ihr da seid.
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also on Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday
ist inside7 announced on Wednesday
- to find as always with Anne.
rain ... is indeed called for. But the sun shines
a smile ... can embellish the day
resolved ... are now the cabinets - they too should "lean"
be put away ... are now finally the thick winter sweaters
not forget ... should be friends if it is a well
remarkable words ... "Those who walked barefoot through hell, can grasp, that you need on the earth shoes." Anne Kronenberg
expectantly ... I see the result of a heart examination against
ist inside7 announced on Wednesday
- to find as always with Anne.
rain ... is indeed called for. But the sun shines
a smile ... can embellish the day
resolved ... are now the cabinets - they too should "lean"
be put away ... are now finally the thick winter sweaters
not forget ... should be friends if it is a well
remarkable words ... "Those who walked barefoot through hell, can grasp, that you need on the earth shoes." Anne Kronenberg
expectantly ... I see the result of a heart examination against
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Die Passionszeit beginnt mit dem Aschermittwoch und dauert bis Karsamstag, sie umfasst 40 Fastentage. Schon im 2. Jahrhundert bereitete man sich durch zweitägiges Fasten auf Ostersonntag before, in the 3rd Century was extended Lent to Holy Week. In the 4th Determines the century Council of Nicaea the 40-day fast, which is to prepare for Easter by the preparation for Baptism and Tauferinnerung and penance. The number 40 stands for a comprehensive period, the turn and a new beginning possible. 1969 renewed the Roman Catholic Church, the basic order of the church year, Lent takes no longer to Holy Saturday, but already ends with the Holy Thursday , but also on Good Friday fasted.
Fast-night was originally the eve of Ash Wednesday, just the night before the fast. Since the 13. Century was regarded as the Carnival period from Thursday before Ash Wednesday until the eve of Ash Wednesday. 1830 in Cologne, was the rose Monday for the climax of the Rhenish Carnival. Carnival from the Latin carne vale means meat, farewell.
Ash Wednesday opens the Lent to Easter . This period includes 46 days, and six Sundays are excluded from fasting, as Christians, every Sunday - also during Lent - the resurrection of Christ celebrate, it will remain so exactly 40 days of fasting. Already in the 2nd Century prepared themselves before two day fast on Easter Sunday . In the 3rd Century was extended Lent to Holy Week. In the 4th Century conducted the first Council of Nicaea the 40-day Lent. All religions know
Fast times, most notably the fasting month of Ramadan in Islam. In the early Church, the baptism performed in Lent an arduous Bußweg, so they would be free of all pagan bonds, taking the fast was a waiver of certain food in the foreground. Bußweg This culminated in the celebration of the Easter Vigil, the candidates were then baptized.
fasting in the biblical sense, but actually means less compliance with certain provisions, as an awareness of the responsibility with the gifts of God and his creation responsibly and in moderation this to use. Fasting thus seen not only to certain areas of life as eating or is only a certain period of time. Fast-conscious times can help but be a more responsible life. In this sense, the Protestant Action

Fast Food are from Ash Wednesday for 40 days no alcohol or meat of warm-blooded animals allowed for human consumption, therefore, has spread as an alternative to the fish. Liquor and beer may be served traditionally on Ash Wednesday again, the beer is therefore for the growth of barley sorgen, der Schnaps die Mücken vertreiben. Im Mittelalter waren die Fastenregeln sehr streng: man durfte nichts essen außer 3 Bissen Brot und 3 Schluck Bier oder Wasser. 1486 erlaubte Papst Innozenz VIII. auch Milchprodukte in der Fastenzeit.
Im Mittelalter waren die Fastenbräuche streng: man durfte nur drei Bissen Brot und drei Schluck Bier oder Wasser zu sich nehmen. 1486 erlaubte der Papst auch Milchprodukte in der Fastenzeit. Ab Aschermittwoch sollen Christen traditionell 40 Tage lang weder Alkohol noch Fleisch konsumieren. Eine erlaubte Alternative ist Fisch, da er nicht blutet. Der Hering als traditionelle Fastenspeisen hat seinen Sinn darin, dass der Körper nach dem oft übermäßigen Genuss im Fasching entschlackt. Schnaps und Bier may be served according to ancient custom, on Ash Wednesday again, because the beer is to ensure healthy development of the barley, sell the liquor to mosquitoes.
Ash Wednesday gets its name because the ashes of the palms from Palm Sunday last year on Ash Wednesday ordained and the believers scattered by the priest on the forehead or the crown will be. It reminds the faithful of the priest: "Remember, O man, thou art dust and to dust you shall return (Psalm 90, 3). Ash is a symbol of both the transience of such repentance and remorse, even the people in the Old Testament covered themselves in sackcloth and ashes (Esther 4, 1) in order to express their penitential spirit, ash wurde als Reinigungsmittel verwendet, daher ist sie das Symbol für die Reinigung der Seele. Ende des 11. Jahrhundert wurde dieser Brauch durch Papst Urban II. eingeführt. Im 12. Jahrhundert wurde festgelegt, dass die Bußasche von Palm- und Ölzweigen der Vorjahres gewonnen werden muss.
Aschermittwoch wurde nach der Volksüberlieferung der Teufel, der einst ein normaler Engel gewesen sei, wegen Verstößen gegen die göttliche Ordnung aus dem Himmel geworfen.
Der Sonntag Laetare, freuet euch , liegt in der Mitte der Fastenzeit. Deren erste Hälfte war von Zurückgezogenheit und Trauer geprägt; ab Laetare sollte der Christ froh dem Palmsonntag entgegen sehen, der stands for the entry of Jesus in Jerusalem, whose sacrifice and thus the salvation of mankind. Until the 19th Century, entered into the Pope on Laetare Sunday with a golden rose in Rome before the faithful. He wanted to draw attention to the approaching time of suffering Christ, the rose is the symbol of Christ. On
Judica Sunday, 14 days before Easter to be in the Catholic Church, all things that represent something Paschal - that crosses and pictures - draped with towels hunger.
The last Sunday of Lent Palm Sunday is the , the Sunday before Easter Sunday
The Catholic Church granted on each Friday of Lent that of the faithful a plenary indulgence, which the En ego, o bone et Dulcissime Jesus after receiving Holy Communion before the image worship of crucified reverently, on all other days of the year for this partial indulgence is granted to:
Source: Ecumenical Holy encyclopedia
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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Es hat doch noch geklappt
Aufnahmedaten: Canon 50D Their flowers are comparatively large ticket still be seen on the panicles and give nice shots
links. Image: Hydrangea, 23 March 2009 (an attempt to approach the appearance of flowers and her "butterfly character" with blur). Image data: Canon 50D and allow the trees in the background appealing backgrounds with flares and much more.
Design: state of the seeds Clematis (Clematis
Aufnahmedaten: Canon 50D
Motiv: Samenstand der Waldrebe (
Aufnahmedaten: Canon 50D Water crowfoot belong. In the winter, often appearing fluffy seed heads catch the eye: the hairy style serve as an organ of flight.
Design: state of the seeds Clematis (Clematis
Solidago canadensis
motif. Seeds prior Canadian Goldenrod (
Image data: Canon 50D dass aus jedem Stückchen eine neue Pflanze wird - werden die Bruchstücke verteilt (z.B. über Bäche), kann sich so eine neue Population bilden und bald auch etablieren.
Image data: Canon 50D This year she is already quite long here, maybe they will? Besides the small spring ball (cock tits) is the crested tit my favorite guest.
Design: Crested Tit of 6 February 2011
Image data: Canon 50D Attic allowed small glimpses into the middle / upper floor of the Araucaria. Design: Squirrels of 6 February 2011 Image data: Canon 50D vom 16. Januar 2011
Aufnahmedaten: Canon 50D
Motiv: Laubmoos mit Sporophyten und Eis vom 6. Feburar 2010
Moose fall into three groups:
Design: moss-sporophytes of 16 February 2010
Design: moss-sporophytes, lichen and snow patches of 6 Feburary 2011
Design: tree without mistletoe, 28 December 2010
..... the tail tits to shoot at least once this winter. They are only short and rare guests and usually come in pairs: one with a light head and one with a striped head pattern.
Design: Long-tailed Tit 21 February 2011
Image data: Canon 50D
Motiv: Hortensie vom 8. Januar 2011 (ein Versuch, in Richtung high-key zu gehen)
subject: Hydrangea, 8 January 2011
Image data: Canon 50D Canon 50D Design: Spitz of 23 February 2011
Image data: Canon 50D
) of 13 February 2011 Motiv: Samenstand der Kanadischen Goldrute ( Solidagoe canadensis
) vom 16. Februar 2011 Aufnahmedaten: Canon 50D
Motiv: Samenstand der Waldrebe (
Clematis vitalba
) vom 13. Februar 2011 
vitalba ) of 13 February 2011

Image data: Canon 50D of railway tracks. Spring and summer, I find it less noticeable, it just climbs up other plants and forms a green curtain. " They can damage the overgrown plants by light deprivation and "strangle" thinner branches
) of 3 January 2009
Image data: Canon 40D
The Canadian goldenrod (Solidago
canandensis ) is one of the Körbchenblütler (
Asteraceae), which also includes dandelion, daisy, daisies and cornflowers. In the Canadian goldenrod is a neophyte Solidago canadensis
) of 16 February 2011 Motiv: Samenstand der Kanadischen Goldrute (
Solidagoe canadensis Aufnahmedaten: Canon 40D Design: Crested Tit of 19 February 2011
Image data: Canon 50D Design: tit of 19 February 2011
Image data: Canon 50D
Design: Blue Tit, 19 February 2011
Image data: Canon 50D This year she is already quite long here, maybe they will? Besides the small spring ball (cock tits) is the crested tit my favorite guest.
Image data: Canon 50D .
The large Araucaria, with its spikes many animals a home When courtship begins the squirrel, then run the animals every year over the same three trees standing side by side in the Garden: Araucaria, Ginkgo and Wellingtonia.
Design: Squirrels of 6 February 2011
Lange are the squirrels, but never in place and up and also much faster than I climbed down the stairs ....

Aufnahmedaten: Canon 50D
Insbesondere die Torfmoose haben mit ihren moorbildenden Eigenschaften eine wichtige Funktion im Ökosystem. Aber auch andere Moose dienen im Wald als Wasserspeicher und regulieren den Wasserhaushalt. Im Gegensatz zu vielen Samenpflanzen sind sie poikilohydrisch , d.h. sie überleben eine Austrocknung und können mit neu aufgenommenem Wasser wieder weiterleben.
Motiv: Laubmoos mit Sporophyten und Eis vom 6. Feburar 2010
Wie auch die Farne spielen sie eine entscheidende Rolle in der Evolution - konkret im Landgang - der Pflanzen. Moose sind sozusagen die ältesten landlebenden Pflanzen. Dies wird auch an einigen Eigenschaften im Vergleich mit Samenpflanzen deutlich: Zur sexuellen Fortpflanzung sind Moose noch auf Wasser angewiesen und sie haben einen deutlich sichtbaren Generationswechsel.
Motiv: Laubmoos, das dunkle ist der Sporophyt, vom 16. Januar 2011
Aufnahmedaten: Canon 50D
Moose fall into three groups:
1) mosses. You are what we generally understand by "Moss"
2) liverworts: You have a flat, mostly flat lying sheets and like to grow in pots in the greenhouse.
3) Moose Horn: They are the oldest group of mosses. 2) liverworts: You have a flat, mostly flat lying sheets and like to grow in pots in the greenhouse.
motive: that's moss: These are the slightly different appearance of the sporophytes Jungerman-Mooser (a subclass of mosses) of 6 March 2008
recording data: Lumix FZ50 - He can not live independently. In the spore capsule form spores, which are widely used in the tearing of the capsule by eg wind. This in turn increases the gametophyte and the cycle can start again.
Image data: Canon 50D
Image data: Canon 50D Do correspond: it was relatively free in a meadow orchard / cow pasture, was a little older, reasonably accessible (when no cows were available) in the background was the sunset and had in particular by a mistletoe charaktersitische form
this tree also. I wanted to always visit and photograph him in different situations. bottom year of this project repeatedly delayed, but after the heavy snowfall in December, I really wanted a winter photo with a white foreground and background and the mis-shapen tree as a silhouette .

But when I was there, I'm looking for a long time until my tree need. I thought he would not. After much research I have found him and see what I had? "My" tree be "brand" has - the mistletoe - lost! Whether dropped or cut off, they're gone. Now I have to either pursue it further or make me to look for a new tree ....
Image data: Canon 40D
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Today my name is ........
here on the Neckar beach
welcome . I hope you like it here. That would be very happy.
here on the Neckar beach
welcome . I hope you like it here. That would be very happy.
Monday, March 7, 2011
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This and That on Rose Monday
In most regions, strongholds of the Carnival of the Green Monday is the most important day of the entire carnival. It depends on Easter, two days before Ash Wednesday and is 48 days before Easter Sunday. After the calculation with the help of the Easter calendar, Shrove Monday, the earliest on 2 February and the latest on 8 March.
The importance of the Rose Monday with Customs and the various parades is clearly detected. A more difficult, however, the origin of the name, since there are different sources and records. Basically seems the term Rose Monday in Cologne to have been coined. This comes from the church rose Sunday (Laetare) from, a pre-Easter day of high importance. Situated in the middle of Lent Sunday was between 11 and 19 Century used as a holiday, were awarded to the individuals for their achievements. Served a purpose by the Pope consecrated golden rose.
Napoleon forbade for the future activities at the carnival Rose Sunday. To direct the carnival in an orderly, can be founded on 6 November 1822 in Cologne by the Organising Committee ", which from next year on the Monday after the annual Rose Sunday General Meeting convened. This indirectly resulted in a Rose Monday. Back in February 1823 (a Monday) was held in Cologne, the first organized parade. Around 1830, transferred the term of the Rose Monday of Lent on Monday, when the parades were held, whereby the still valid Rose Monday was created.
A Borrowing from this source record indicates the name originating in the color pink, because at the Rose Monday, the church representatives rosé festive garments wore .. More cities such as Dusseldorf and Mainz, which was founded in Cologne model followed. The first Düsseldorf Rose Monday parade was recorded in 1825, the first parade in Mainz 1837th
(Source: Customs)
In most regions, strongholds of the Carnival of the Green Monday is the most important day of the entire carnival. It depends on Easter, two days before Ash Wednesday and is 48 days before Easter Sunday. After the calculation with the help of the Easter calendar, Shrove Monday, the earliest on 2 February and the latest on 8 March.
The importance of the Rose Monday with Customs and the various parades is clearly detected. A more difficult, however, the origin of the name, since there are different sources and records. Basically seems the term Rose Monday in Cologne to have been coined. This comes from the church rose Sunday (Laetare) from, a pre-Easter day of high importance. Situated in the middle of Lent Sunday was between 11 and 19 Century used as a holiday, were awarded to the individuals for their achievements. Served a purpose by the Pope consecrated golden rose.
Napoleon forbade for the future activities at the carnival Rose Sunday. To direct the carnival in an orderly, can be founded on 6 November 1822 in Cologne by the Organising Committee ", which from next year on the Monday after the annual Rose Sunday General Meeting convened. This indirectly resulted in a Rose Monday. Back in February 1823 (a Monday) was held in Cologne, the first organized parade. Around 1830, transferred the term of the Rose Monday of Lent on Monday, when the parades were held, whereby the still valid Rose Monday was created.
A Borrowing from this source record indicates the name originating in the color pink, because at the Rose Monday, the church representatives rosé festive garments wore .. More cities such as Dusseldorf and Mainz, which was founded in Cologne model followed. The first Düsseldorf Rose Monday parade was recorded in 1825, the first parade in Mainz 1837th
(Source: Customs)
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self Wilhelm Busch said:
us, too, in honor be it said,
Hat once the carnival likes,
particular and
all usually in a city that Munich is .
How lovely it was in those days
A human warm festival venue,
As busy overnight
filled the glass and emptied,
And we walked in the snow home,
War grad from the early Mass,
Then equal to the most pious Wives
yourself erbau'n negative to us.
us, too, in honor be it said,
Hat once the carnival likes,
particular and
all usually in a city that Munich is .
How lovely it was in those days
A human warm festival venue,
As busy overnight
filled the glass and emptied,
And we walked in the snow home,
War grad from the early Mass,
Then equal to the most pious Wives
yourself erbau'n negative to us.
time passed, the age came
We were modest, were tame. Now we see
still pretty happy
Property, 'us, but only from afar
to one eye, mouth askew
by reverse perspective.
We were modest, were tame. Now we see
still pretty happy
Property, 'us, but only from afar
to one eye, mouth askew
by reverse perspective.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
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enmal And something about the origin of the carnival
In the German area, the carnival was in particular in the 14th and 15 Century celebrated. The sacrilegious excesses of Carnival, the power of the devil symbolizes - but lasted only one day, which showed the transitory nature of the devil and of man, because on Ash Wednesday was so all over! This highlighted the inevitable reversal for God and his victory. Through Lent began a period of repentance and forgiveness. The sentiment of Lent "carne vale" is the origin of the word "carnival".
The Reformation abolished the fasting period. Therefore lost the carnival and their customs in the Protestant believers their meaning and survived almost exclusively in the strongly Catholic areas.
In the Baroque and Rococo was removed from the Christian tradition of Shrove Tuesday and celebrated glittering masks and costume balls to palaces and royal courts, inspired by the figures of the Italian Comedia dell arte `.
The development to the street carnival is the craft guilds in the cities of the 18th Century owe. They disguised themselves and satirical performances organized in particular against the houses of rich. A witty and ironic way, they could shake the hierarchy of ranks and were entertained at the end even the rich people.
In the early 19th Century bourgeoisie took over the ceremony, such as in the carnival town of Cologne. The carnival clubs in Cologne, Dusseldorf and Mainz arise and have to date large turnout. The old traditional clubs depend the carnival, and have to this day not lost its prestige.
(Source: Carnival, carnival, carnival - symbolism and meaning)
The origin and history of the carnival reads like a gripping novel. It was also the carnival as a pretext and murdered one or another rival.
Under cover of the masks we often escaped undetected.
In the German area, the carnival was in particular in the 14th and 15 Century celebrated. The sacrilegious excesses of Carnival, the power of the devil symbolizes - but lasted only one day, which showed the transitory nature of the devil and of man, because on Ash Wednesday was so all over! This highlighted the inevitable reversal for God and his victory. Through Lent began a period of repentance and forgiveness. The sentiment of Lent "carne vale" is the origin of the word "carnival".
The Reformation abolished the fasting period. Therefore lost the carnival and their customs in the Protestant believers their meaning and survived almost exclusively in the strongly Catholic areas.
In the Baroque and Rococo was removed from the Christian tradition of Shrove Tuesday and celebrated glittering masks and costume balls to palaces and royal courts, inspired by the figures of the Italian Comedia dell arte `.
The development to the street carnival is the craft guilds in the cities of the 18th Century owe. They disguised themselves and satirical performances organized in particular against the houses of rich. A witty and ironic way, they could shake the hierarchy of ranks and were entertained at the end even the rich people.
In the early 19th Century bourgeoisie took over the ceremony, such as in the carnival town of Cologne. The carnival clubs in Cologne, Dusseldorf and Mainz arise and have to date large turnout. The old traditional clubs depend the carnival, and have to this day not lost its prestige.
(Source: Carnival, carnival, carnival - symbolism and meaning)
The origin and history of the carnival reads like a gripping novel. It was also the carnival as a pretext and murdered one or another rival.
Under cover of the masks we often escaped undetected.
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has gathered here at the Neckar beach. You feel at home here. I appreciate your show.
The Wobbe
has gathered here at the Neckar beach. You feel at home here. I appreciate your show.
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the beginning was the word
and yet we forget that often. And if it's too late then you realize that you have said is no longer the last word. It is too late.
Words can build up and hurt. Words should never run dry. Silence can hurt. Can rip open ditches. careless word can not withdraw it. One should consider in advance what you say to whom.
And especially bad is when you passed on the phone and does not know that it's the last Gespräch war. Der Tod hat es so bestimmt.
Annegret Kronenberg hat es in folgende Worte gefaßt:
and yet we forget that often. And if it's too late then you realize that you have said is no longer the last word. It is too late.
Words can build up and hurt. Words should never run dry. Silence can hurt. Can rip open ditches. careless word can not withdraw it. One should consider in advance what you say to whom.
And especially bad is when you passed on the phone and does not know that it's the last Gespräch war. Der Tod hat es so bestimmt.
Annegret Kronenberg hat es in folgende Worte gefaßt:
Am Anfang war das Wort
Sei nicht stumm,
wo du reden kannst.
Schweige nicht,
wo Worte nötig sind.
Schweiger gibt es schon genug.
Am Anfang war auch das Wort
and not the silence.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
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origin and transformation of the carnival
Tomorrow I will address the issue of "carnival" in conclusion.
Whether in Mesopotamia third Century BC. or in ancient Rome in honor of the god Saturn: All of these pre-Christian public festivals have something in common with today's carnival! Anyone could celebrate and to report without restrictions to speak, as the existing social order was suspended. Slave and master, mighty, and sometimes even the second subject exchanged roles. Just as today, the fools with the help of costumes, wigs and makeup to "slip a different skin". The town halls "assault" and instead of the Mayor "Rule" until Ash Wednesday.
There are various theories about the origin of the carnival. First, to its origins in the pagan customs of the Celts, Romans and Greeks have, on the other only in the Christian celebration of the carnival. Imagine that the pagan traditions and customs in the Christian context were adopted and integrated .. In spring, the Celts dressed up with masks of fertility deities to drive away the evil winter demons. The pagan masks and panels are retained in the Christian era, but the symbols have been improvements made to the Christian.
In medieval Europe of 12 Century to the end of the 16th century were organized in churches and monasteries "fool Feste" - first in early January, the Epiphaniastag, then in the carnival. Once a year were allowed to break away with the strict rules of the monastic and religious life, are so derided even - as in the donkey show. All participants wore animal costumes, a "fool's bishop" was the fair. Instead of measuring voice sounded ambiguous songs and animal sounds in the church. The Church suffered the degenerating festivals as cautionary negative example, in the church hierarchy on its head and rituals were made fun of. Shall replace the lower clerical rank and privileges of the higher clergy. Even a "fool's Pope" was chosen. The inhabitants of the cities were involved by the processions on the feast.
(Source: Carnival, carnival, carnival - symbolism and meaning) Tomorrow I will address the issue of "carnival" in conclusion.
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And more ....
Westphalian As I am not foolish. But still I watch it again and again Umzüge im Fernsehen gern an.
Ich lebte lange Jahre in der Nähe von Waldshut und daher ist mir die alemannische Fastnacht auch bestens bekannt. Aber wenn man mich fragt, so zucke ich die Achseln und sage immer, dass ich nicht auf Kommando närrisch sein kann und will. Dennoch habe ich mich schon immer mit dem Karneval beschäftigt.
Was bedeuten Alaaf und Helau?
Wenn der Kölner "Alaaf" ruft, meint er "all ab". "Kölle alaaf" heißt daher soviel wie "Köln vor allen oder allem
The Düsseldorf Karnevalsruf "Karneval" is probably derived from the call "light on" her - "hell" clever here ..
means yet think none of the fancy to the Ash Wednesday. Let celebrate it and foolish to be! And Lent is still far off.
morning it goes on.
The foolish Festival has a long tradition. origins could one find in the 3rd century BC.
But it more tomorrow.
Westphalian As I am not foolish. But still I watch it again and again Umzüge im Fernsehen gern an.
Ich lebte lange Jahre in der Nähe von Waldshut und daher ist mir die alemannische Fastnacht auch bestens bekannt. Aber wenn man mich fragt, so zucke ich die Achseln und sage immer, dass ich nicht auf Kommando närrisch sein kann und will. Dennoch habe ich mich schon immer mit dem Karneval beschäftigt.
Was bedeuten Alaaf und Helau?
Wenn der Kölner "Alaaf" ruft, meint er "all ab". "Kölle alaaf" heißt daher soviel wie "Köln vor allen oder allem
The Düsseldorf Karnevalsruf "Karneval" is probably derived from the call "light on" her - "hell" clever here ..
means yet think none of the fancy to the Ash Wednesday. Let celebrate it and foolish to be! And Lent is still far off.
morning it goes on.
The foolish Festival has a long tradition. origins could one find in the 3rd century BC.
But it more tomorrow.
Friday, March 4, 2011
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This and That about the origin of the carnival
What is Mardi Gras originate? What do Alaaf and Helau? Whether Carnival, Mardi Gras or Carnival - the fifth season has many supporters! Relaxed, joyful and full of life and celebrate the fools
revelers the days before the privations of Lent. Because on Ash Wednesday, 46 days before Easter, the hustle and bustle is then back again!
Am 11.11., At 11:11 clock now begins the carnival period and the Mardi Gras season. There are many interpretations of the number. First, the number is a symbol of sin and calls to repentance. It is the first number, which exceeds the ten commandments. Second, the 1 plus 1 is the unity and equality of all means in the carnival revelers. The team also has a political reference. Since the French Revolution ELF stands for E = Egalité, L = Liberté and Fraternité F = (equality, freedom and fraternity).
With Carnival in the Rhineland variant primarily in the strongholds of Cologne, Dusseldorf and Mainz meant. The origin of the word is disputed: The saying of Lent "carne vale" (from Latin), the "flesh, farewell", is probably the origin of the word "carnival".
The word carnival and its regional variations such as Fassenacht, carnival, carnival, Fasent, Faslam are mainly in Hesse and Rhine-Hesse, the Palatinate and in Baden, Swabia and the Saarland used. Rather, it means Carnival in Bavaria, Saxony and North Germany.
The carnival was originally designated the last day (after the last week) before the start of Lent. In the Christian tradition, this day had special educational importance: the sacrilegious excesses of Carnival should symbolize the power of the devil - but lasted only one day, which showed the transitory nature of the devil and of man. Because on Ash Wednesday, the glittering celebrations were over. This highlighted the inevitable reversal for God.
(Source: Carnival, carnival, carnival - symbolism and meaning
and magic of numbers)
There are other interesting aspects about which I will report tomorrow . After all, the carnival has changed over the centuries.
and magic of numbers)
There are other interesting aspects about which I will report tomorrow . After all, the carnival has changed over the centuries.
When Do Warts Turn Black
this and that and with the heart to see
We in our fast paced world as many have forgotten. The respect for every living thing that humanity to which we have imagined so much always and in all honesty. Why is that now?
It is the struggle for existence, to the job. If we are not careful, we degenerated to the elbow society. We are well on our way there.
When Anne Kronenberg, I found the following lines:
It is high time
what must happen
people have forgotten how
to see with the heart.
An ice age is dawning,
creates a cold.
Stops its beginning,
otherwise it is too late.
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