Monday, November 29, 2010

Tower Trump Sobre Tiffanys

Soon it is time ...

sleep two more times and then I can finally take the first package from my advent calendar.
says the Nile at the moment almost every day when he passes here it.

I can understand it somehow.
the calendar of my own making.
baffle filled with many small packets, because so are the goodies are well protected from prying, hungry eyes.

Moritz freut sich natürlich auch, wenn er hier am Mittwoch seine erste Mütze plündert.

Auch dieser Kalender ist natürlich selbst gemacht und besteht aus lauter verschiedenen Zipfelmützen die an einer Girlande befestigt sind.

Mal sehen wann die beiden Räuber am Mittwoch morgen wach sind und ich von einem leisen rascheln geweckt werde.

Meine Verlosung läuft übrigens noch bis nächste Woche. Also wer noch nicht mitgemacht hat und auch gerne ein Päckchen auspacken want, you can still leave a comment.
A beautiful Advent and dearest greetings from the forest asset

Nadine Jansen-biem Images

Work in progress ... in progress ... in progress ...

... and the quarterly report is on the move ...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Letter Of Interest For A Sorroity

The wreath hangs ...

Highs in the forest land has been true for Sunday ...

but it was too dark for night photos, I'm glad I can finally show it to you today.

It is of course in white-silver and I have bonded him out on bare branches from the forest and loose from the top with Pine branches tipped.

Below dranhängen many different spheres and trailers that I've collected over the years ...

... and lots of supplements and the odd detail.
created so again and again a new variant.

Now I'm looking forward times on Sunday when having breakfast is lit the first candle.

dearest greetings as always trump forest of

How Much Does A Good Personal Trainer Cost

Winterland ...

... also with us here in the north. This morning, icing sugar over the landscape! Well now you can use Gloves. Here for 10 hands and arms for warmth in bright colors

knitted from the Flama Katia needle size 5.5 mm. Soft butter Yarn, that the only way sashayed on the needles - to find here!

morning then it goes to "big" trip - here! I'm looking forward very much. Join me, my wool and the music to match the headline.

A beautiful weekend I wish you!
your moon same

Friday, November 19, 2010

How Long Can I Leave Out Sushi?

My Frames 2010

When we
on Sunday for "My Frames 2010" broke up, nobody had success with such a great Monday and Tuesday have been shown at film festival in Hyderabad 105 films. 13 of them from us. On Tuesday night our kids then creamed off first two prizes in seven categories and then later also still get the grand prize!

Here are the photos

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How Long To Grow Roots From Pothos Cuttings

the mood for ...

beautiful enamel shield?
These are hand made here in original design made of thick glossy enamel
and from the company
and there are now just one for you,
, where to win in my draw.
Thus, a house number or name plate is almost a must in their own house in country style.

The winner can choose such a name tag (size 5 x 15 cm), or einTürschild or any house number according to his wish. Look yet at the same time RAMSIGN and marvel at what shapes, colors, sizes, and also Designs there are. This fits in nearly every home and the winner is determined have no problem with his personal label to find.

If you are as excited now as I do, then you need only to 6 December 24.00 Clock here to leave a comment and you will attend the draw.
Everyone can participate with or without a blog, in and outside of Germany no matter.
However, each of a blog and my raffle there linked, but you can take the above image like, has an additional chance to win and twice placed in the woods ... no trump fear it stinks not guaranteed.

Finally, I would like to thank you for your loyalty.
I would never ever even thought that once I get to
200 readers and I welcome you here with me this may. But it seems like you in the forest land asset.
such dear people I have met countless And tips on how to receive comfort and counsel. You are so many girls class, thanks
Good luck in the draw and dearest greetings from the forest asset

Stylist Letter Moving Salons

Winter Chur!

At Sheep World lose again this year, the sheep, their wool again. This time also I am in the process.

And I need your help. Every time you on these Embark naked! link is clicked, one of my sheep shorn!

Otherwise, I had last week, the trunk disease caught so hot that my ear started to ache violently and my dear wife doctor diagnosed an ear infection. It is now slowly improving and I hope very soon to be back really fit ... although I hope so since my surgery in late June. Unfortunately, until now little changed. Life without a thyroid gland is stupid, but sometimes we have no choice and have since carried with all side effects and what the other brings so with it. In the hope that maybe someday you'll be fine again.

So, I had to get rid times now.

Liebe wollige Grüße
Eure Mondelbe

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ocharleys Cherry Limeade Margaritas

Crispy Tarte ...

... we have today, after a
beautiful forest hike in almost summer temperatures baked.
I think he just fits beautifully in the autumn. The recipe here is enough for 2 cakes in baking pan size.

I give the flour in a bowl und bröckle die Hefe in die Mitte, die ich dann mit etwas von dem lauwarmen Wasser übergieße und kurz einweiche. Dann einen TL Salz über das Mehl streuen und mit dem restlichen Wasser zu einem glatten Teig verkneten.
Den Teig an einem warmen Ort ca. 2 Std. zugedeckt gehen lassen.

Den Teig auf einem leicht bemehlten Backpapierschön dünn ausrollen und mit einer Gabel mehrmals einstechen. Mit Schmand oder Crème fraîche bestreichen.
Die Zwiebel und den Bacon in Streifen schneiden und auf dem Teig verteilen.
Den Belag noch mit Salz, Pfeffer und Nutmeg and herbs de Provence or other herbs
season and drizzle with olive oil. min

on a flat sheet in a preheated oven at 200-220 degrees on the bottom rail
or even on the oven floor bake about 12-15.

is finished the crispy delicious Tarte.

Then came an award from the Lotti country. Thank you dear Lotti, pick's for a long time also. I was very excited and it equal parked here before.

15 blogs to which I will pass it, how will it be enough?
you just take it with everyone because I believe every one of you has it well deserves, right?
morning begins another new week, which flies determined just as quickly as the Lletzten and then soon is the 1st Advent, and I can finally clear all of my boxes of decorations from the basement. I am looking forward so much emphasis on you too?

beloved forest asset Greetings von

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Russian President Template

Finally ...

... hatte ich mal die Zeit mein neues Wandregal aufzuhängen.

Mein Mann bekam es von einer sehr lieben Kollegin geschenkt, als diese in Rente ging. Sie sagte es hätte damals ihr Vater gebaut und ich habe es schon immer sehr in ihrem Büro bewundert wenn ich dort vorbeigeschaut habe. Es ist ja sooooo schön. Vielen Dank nochmals dafür.
Lange habe ich einen geeigneten Platz dafür gesucht und now found in the living room.

Then my new G. .. G. ..- are matches that I bought along with the tea towel.

hereby And ...

luck was then in the forest asset land perfectly. The January
d'Arc Living by Sybille from
Beautiful (click) Decoration
Thank you my love. I am glad that I still got lucky and had one of the popular magazines have received from you. Look at her blog. She always super good decorating tips from stock.
a nice week, half is done so already, wants

Whats A Good Color For My Bmx

supplement in terms of Siva

First, here is a big THANK YOU to all who have until now been agreed to control something in! I will wait another 1-2 days to more answers and then notify me via email at all. As there have been several reported, and 100 € are not a little, the amount allocated. I am therefore also on the donation of smaller installments!


Until then, and soon:)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Free Schematic Wv10d6

help themselves

"Brother, this your bike?"
"Yes! You like? "
" Ah, its nice. Thats my bike brother "
Siva was proud of his seat at the front desk on the blue Honda scooter which was parked on the driveway. I turned around and saw the vehicle. It was not an ordinary scooter, but had a total of 4 wheels. One at the front and three behind. Without a thought how to waste it, I simply asked: "Why you have a 4 Wheeler

Siva grinned at me, grabbed a crutch beside him, pushed up from his chair hangelte, on his crutch a few feet in my direction, turned around and pulling himself back into his chair.
"Polio, brother"

This was my first introduction to the 22 year old Siva Kumar about 6 weeks. Even if the first contact was my turn, less sensitive, but it can be regarded as a success:
I have his name can be the first to Remember!
The weeks after, I saw regularly sit at the front desk. Time morning, noon, evening. Time alone with a book, sometimes with other "College Boy's". It is normal for the young people to participate in the project live in certain areas. Whether in the kitchen or as Shiva to just the reception. They are paid to give small-time jobs to young students of Navajeevan independence and responsibility.

Last Friday afternoon I drove into the courtyard of the main building, turned off my bike and went over to Siva, who stood with crutches in front of his extravagant scooter.
"Whats the problem?"
"It's damaged"
want of English words, turned Siva simply enter the engine. As I listened to the engine noise interested was clear: This makes transmission is not much longer.
It sounded even after I shredded the gears and the scooter would not move more inches. When he told me it would cost a new gear with built-1500R,
I did not know whether I should laugh or cry. 1500R correspond to about 25 €.
25 € for a new transmission plus installation is a joke! But I already knew it would be an exorbitant price for Siva.
To be sure I asked Siva as much for his side job at the reception as yields.
"100r by Week" (which is 1 € and a little bit and it is for gasoline)
At that moment, I would like him the 1500R is simply pressed into the hand and sent him on his scooter to a garage.
But apart from that it is forbidden for us, money is one type, as an employee, not my job.

As in the following conversation turned out, the scooter would anyway be subject of a major overhaul. Price: 5000R (about 85 €) The scooter is not old (it is a 2000s, my companions one from 1994!) But he just waited for lack of money.

Every weekday morning at 7:30 Siva goes to college, and at 12:30 back to Navajeevan. The college is at the other end of town. Although simple wheelchair here in India are quite accustomed to it is still too far away to an "Indian wheelchair" to drive. The ride in a wheelchair, back and forth, every day would last for 1-2 hours one way. And in the Indian market, it would also happen to be very dangerous.
Long story short, Siva is dependent on its particular role!

Now I stood before Siva with his scooter and recognized the predicament in which he was. My idea for it just to bring everyone tomorrow with my bike to college and turn it into hollow there was less useful, and sprang rather from my helplessness.

What they say in such a situation?
"Well Shiva, as you will probably nothing left but a correspondence course or the reception as a full time job? The
these bitter moments ...

Since I have not released the cause with his scooter, I have decided in Germany to seek a sponsor for the repair. Anyone who is interested in the fact that Shiva continues to have some independence and can drive to college every day, may contact us at Shiva has written to me ever so slightly like a fact sheet. Once I've deciphered it, I paste it here:)
It's about the whole thing, the amount at which about 100 € for a new transmission (about 1500R = 25 €) and a major (Approx. € 5000R = 85) is used.

Greetings from India to Siva and me;)


Name: Siva Kumar
Class: BA final Year
Study Topics: English, Journalism, Psychology
Age: 26-2-1989 (22)
College Timing: 8:00 to 12:30

Manual Free Online Polaroid Impulse Portrait

an Award ...

habe ich von der lieben Frau Blumenbunt erhalten und mich rießig darüber gefreut:

Mit dem erhalt dieses Awards sind ja auch ein paar Regeln verbunden. So müsste ich jetzt eigentlich 15 anderen Blogs diesen Award verleihen. Die meisten Blogs jedoch möchten keine Awards mehr annehmen und zeigen das deutlich durch einen dementsprechenden Button. Aus diesem Grunde habe ich mich dazu entschlossen den Award nicht weiterzugeben. Ich hoffe auf Eurer Verständnis.

Zur Zeit hat mich die Arbeit voll im Griff und meine angeschlagene Health also. For this reason, there are currently not really show much knitting term. Everything started but not finished. Well let's see maybe the days once again a review of the wool mountains ...

Until then ... remains woolly
your moon same

Saturday, November 6, 2010

My Stomach Is Sounding


I do not know how 2 months in Germany but this is where I feel already as before as if time flies by very quickly here. That may be because until now it still is not even become boring. I feel only now slowly starting something longer letters nach Hamburg zu schreiben, die ersten Wochen hier waren eher wie ein Film dem ich unbeteiligt zugesehen habe. Jetzt wo ein wenig(!) Routine in das Alltagsleben hier kommt habe ich genug Zeit und Ruhe mich mal für so etwas hin zu setzen.

Also, was lässt sich hier jetzt mal wieder erzählen?
Es ist wirklich schwer das hier erlebte in Worten aus zu drücken. Es würde Indien nicht gerecht werden. Indien ist zu pulsierend, Indien ist zu bunt, zu wild, zu groß. Hier versagt die Sprache!
Die einzige Konstante in dieser Gesellschaft ist der Schnurrbart und die Kuh!

Eine Aussagen über Indien, die ich bis jetzt ohne zu zögern unterschreiben würde, ist wohl das dies das Land der Gegensätze ist. Nahezu alle Religionen, politischen Ideologien und Philosophien sind hier zu finden. Man übertritt hier ständig unsichtbare Grenzen in eine andere Welt. Vom Islam zum Hinduismus zum Christentum. Von Arm zu Reich und zurück. Vom Dorf in die Stadt. Von konservativ zu liberal zu sozialistisch. Vom Individuum zum Kollektiv. Von westlicher Exportkultur zu indischen Kultur.
Mal ist es friedlich an den Grenzen, mal merkt man das sich die Gegensätze aneinander reiben und manchmal kommt es zu einem offenen Konflikt.

Also erzähle ich einfach mal wieder ein wenig, in der Hoffnung es stillt den Wissensdurst einiger, solange bis ich wieder da bin um auf differenziertere Fragen antworten zu können

Ich wohne hier in Vijayawada in an apartment in the middle of "Downtown" together with up to 12 other German-speaking Europeans. Mainly, they are Austrian and South German push me with their pronunciation of German in the madness!
with direct us around the corner there is a cinema, a "bar" food stands, etc. Everything the heart desires
offers the cinema, with air conditioning and various "Western" movies, an escape from the heat and in India.
Resident Evil 4, Universal Soldier 3, Predators, all these jewels of western civilization, I could admire here already. After 30 minutes in the dark, cool movie you forget that outside the door at 30 ° C, a cow stands in the middle of the road, go around and Fahrradrikshas Indians in skirts, wildly gesticulating, betel nut chewing, talking on the street.
If the film passes by you through the long tiled corridors of the cinema, opens the door and is sucked back from India.
not only a cultural formation through the cinema, but also the beer supply is through the "Bar" next door, sure (and unfathomable as growing with our neighbors and Indian hemp in the flower pot ...;)
The use of alcohol is quite fatal but shows how to do it wrong. The enjoyable beers after dinner or at the right moment is here rather unknown. Whoever consumed beer or spirits can only be drunk and then staggers to 22 h after the road home.
alcohol has here simply, unlike hemp, not cultural background.

This has certainly been on a motorcycle made the rounds but I still would lead at once: As soon as I arrived here I had the need to buy me a set of wheels because I wanted to work as independently as possible and flexible. And besides, I think that a smaller bike tour would also be an experience ...
So I have looked around for a Yamaha RX100. The "sexiest bike on Indian streets" is a true legend. Unfortunately, in 2000, discontinued after 25 years of production. For "a few rupees," I then also a 1994 model in very good condition get, and I can only say it is a killing machine! The clattering, roaring sound is so dramatic, since only one steals the Royal Enfield Bullet the show, which is however more of a counterpart.
The Royal Enfield Company was the first to the Motorcycle ago, however, produced only in India. Many collectors and enthusiasts can import the Bullets to Europe.
The Royal Enfield Bullets are built here in Chennai and now cost 80 000R (1300 €). For as a bike that's a bargain. Harley Davidsons can pack as real. So if someone just runs in the mouth-watering ...
Since it is in Germany are no spare parts for the RX, they will probably have to stay here! (A bullet could import it but ...) I work mostly

from noon to night in the Child Safety Net. Since I've been working the past few weeks with children on a film project and will be with the children and Anand (virtually the boss) to Hyderabad to take "Children's Film Festival. Let's see if we win something:)

The Child Safety Net is a subproject of Navajeevan whose job it is the democratic participation of school children is to promote. It works also nicht direkt mit Straßenkindern zusammen. Die Hauptidee des CSNs ist jedoch, die Lebensumstände auf dem Dorf so zu gestalten, das Kindern gar nicht erst von der Familie weglaufen. Es bekämpft somit die Wurzeln des Problems „Straßenkinder“ in Indien.
Das CSN arbeitet in 10 Dörfern rund um Vijayawada. Für die Schulkinder wird ein demokratisches Rätesystem aufgebaut. Solche „Child Parliaments“ geben den Kindern ein Austausch- und Diskussionsforum sowie auch ein Ort an dem nach einer Problemlösung gesucht werden kann.

Des weiteren wird eine sog. „Activist Group“ gegründet. Die besteht aus Dorfbewohnern welche ein Bewusstsein für die Probleme der Kinder besitzen und stand up for their rights. This Activists Groups give children support among the villagers and help because of where the child does not get further Parliament. This applies in particular elements that must be enforced through official bureaucratic channels (eg a legal accord with the rights). The "United Nations Child Rights Convention " of 1989 provides the legal basis for this.

That's it then once again from me. There are new photos under