Monday, February 28, 2011

Where Can I Sell Lgb Trains?

This and That about the month of March

Der März war bei den Römern der Monat des Gottes Mars, der erste Monat des Jahres und der Monat des Frühlingsanfangs. In den März fällt am 21., dem Tag der Frühlings-Tag-und-Nachtgleiche, der Frühlingsanfang, nach dem sich auch das Osterfest richtet. Die Sonne tritt nun in das Zeichen des Widders, mit dem der Frühling beginnt. Im Altertum nahm man an, dass an diesem Tage der Frühlingsgleiche die Welt erschaffen worden sei. Deshalb habe Romulus, der den Römern den ersten Kalender entwarf, das Jahr mit dem März beginnen lassen.
Im März fanden auch die Neujahrsopfer statt. Das Opfer soll in früher Zeit der jeweilige König gewesen sein, der auf diese Weise mit der Fruchtbarkeitsgöttin Heilige Hochzeit gefeiert habe. Since this was the sacrifice of the king, was the middle of the month, the Ides of March on 15, to the proverbial dangerous time for Roman leaders of states, the date arrived on the steps of the Senate, the warlords and would-be sole ruler Julius Caesar, the stabbing of Brutus, the deed was therefore also cultic background, it was not just an ordinary political murder.
March is in the Gregorian calendar the third month of the year with 31 days. German name of the moon of March is spring, Old High German Lenzing of Lenz, spring. In Anglo-Saxon means Leneth-Monath lunar month , Middle High German it is called Merz; Latin Martius, Mars French, Italian Marzo Marzo English, English March, it corresponds to the Jewish and Arab Rebi I. Nisan fall to March, the zodiac sign Pisces and Aries.
(Source: Ecumenical Holy dictionary)

Dragon Ball Online Europe 2010

This and the malice Das.und

..... before I continue to get upset, I would first

Rosanna by Rosanna poetry page

to welcome you here at the Neckar beach. We're happy you've come.

the photos I've done from the draw - and what should I tell you - I can not upload them. Picasa strike. If it is not tomorrow, I will give the name known - no photos indicated. And the prices can not be shown. Too bad. - But that's just with the technology.

n spite of technology
is a man in today `ger time
of technology almost killed.
He takes it in gratitude
and ready for action.

Der Mensch ist aber konstruiert
zu jagen und zu sammeln,
wogegen drastisch kontrastiert
das wohlständliche Gammeln.

Es kulminiert der Krankenstand,
der Mensch, er wundert sich;
die schwere Arbeit ist verbannt,
doch besser wird es nicht.

Und was ihm an Bewegung fehlt,
es ist doch paradox,
erkauft er sich für teures Geld
im Fitnessclub, der Ochs!

South Park Online Quicktime Player

Auf ausgetretenen Pfaden...

Image data: Canon 50D
experiments with long exposure, flow and sun.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Breast Of Milena Velba

conveyor technology, the last day of February

Heute ist der letzte Tag im Februar.
Die Bezeichnung Narrenmond für den Februar rührt daher, dass in dieser Zeit die alten Vorfrühlings- und Fruchtbarkeitsrituale abgehalten wurden, um die Dämonen des Winters zu vertreiben. Unter dem Einfluss der Christianisierung wurden diese ausgelassenen Feierlichkeiten als Fastnacht (Fassenacht, Fasnet) oder Fasching auf die Tage vor dem Aschermittwoch beschränkt, so dass diese Narrenzeit (meistens) im Februar endet. In diesem Jahr liegt diese Zeit etwa 14 Tage später.
Im römischen Kalender war der Februarius ursprünglich der letzte Monat. Aus diesem Grund erhielt genau dieser Monat damals überzählige Schalttage angehängt, ein Brauch, der sich durch die julianische und gregorianische Kalenderreform hindurch erhalten hat.
(Source: Callendarium)

The February can still be chilly
some snow and bring us
but the joy is already a
to happy bird singing.

Quiet ringing also tells us
snowdrops are awakened.
have you with their strength
made the winter small.

Even Carnival and Carnival
help chase away the winter.
Soon begins the spring season,
perhaps in a few days.
(Anne Kronenberg)

My Urethra Hurting Small Skin Tag

cuddly sweaters ...

... from the cozy wool from the previous post!

He is sideways knit with 8 pins. That was super fast and was great fun. In particular, the pattern I find great.

The guide is from Coats . I have received from the buyer for PDF. Unfortunately I could on the side of Coats to find.

Zur Zeit bin ich wieder am Häkeln - nette Kleinigkeiten. Etwas Größeres für mich selber ist aber bereits in Planung. Die Wolle sollte in der kommenden Woche dazu eintrudeln. Merino und Mohair in weiß für einen besonderen Tag soviel sei schon einmal verraten.

Wünsche euch noch einen schönen Restsonntag
Eure Mondelbe

Saturday, February 26, 2011

No Hot Water In Bathtub

This and That and luck

What is happiness? It's the little things in life that we overlook too easily. Often we do not really miss out and es. Aufmerksam sein, die Dinge positiv sehen - das bedeutet auch Glück. Wenn ich nur herumsitze und grüble, mit mir und der Welt im unreinen bin, dann sehe ich den Sonnenschein nicht, höre die Vögel nicht singen, sehe nicht die Pracht der Blumen und das Spiel der Wolken.
Ich habe mich gefragt, was die natürlichen Glücksquellen sind. Das kann man nicht so ohne weiteres beantworten. Für den Einen ist es: Viel Zeit mit der Familie zu verbringen, gute Musik hören, eine feste Arbeitsstelle zu haben. Den Anderen macht es schon glücklich, mit Freunden um die Häuser zu ziehen, viel Sport zu machen, im Garten zu arbeiten.
I am happy for my part, if I live with my fellow human beings in peace, am healthy, inner balance and harmony can feel, a good book to read, I am satisfied and to each his own patrons. The order has no weight. The more diverse you feel happiness, the greater is the sum of happiness.

happiness can not you rent.
Is it you just hold, breathe deeply and enjoy
It can sometimes take a long time, until it
stop by again
looks at you.
(Anne Kronenberg)

What Is Va Funding Fee For

It was nice ... Finally we have

auf unserem ersten Flohmarktbesuch in diesem Jahr.
Bei sonnigen 9 Grad waren wir heute morgen auf dem Mannheimer Krempelmarkt stöbern.
Es tat so gut nach der langen Winterpause endlich mal wieder so richtig in den alten Sachen zu wühlen.
Durch das neue Haus ergeben sich nun auch viele neue Möglichkeiten.
Frau braucht ja jetzt wieder soooo viele Dinge,
für die wir vorher einfach keine Verwendung oder Platz hatten.
Leider war der Flohmarkt nicht ganz so voll mit Verkaufsständen But as usual no surprise that, in this weather all the time, no one could well imagine to sell something today.
But a few things I caught anyway. Here are my

schnuckliges A small wooden cart ...

this old, very rusty scales, as well as wooden spools of thread.
can I just use the good.
I will scrub the scale equal to something, so
they soon find their place.
you a nice weekend makes you very comfortable. Tomorrow's back to rain or some of you even snow again, brrrrr.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Anorexic Leopard Gecko


Design: ice of 27 December 2010
Image data: Canon 50D Image data: Canon 50D This winter there was only one cold enough. . Unfortunately, the streams that are suitable for ice forming part relatively inaccessible

are subject: Winter landscape of 27 December 2010

Motiv: Winterlandschaft vom 27. Dezember 2010

Aufnahmedaten: Canon 50D Canon 50D

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Fast Can A 110 Dune Buggy Go?

cuddly wool ...

...endlich! Morgen oder Übermorgen scheint bei mir ja wirklich ein sehr dehnbarer Begriff zu sein. Ich glaube ich halte mich zukünftig mit Tagesangaben etwas zurück. Was war es denn nun diesesmal, dass ich aus 1-2 Tagen ganze 10 gemacht habe? Unter anderem ein krankes Kind mit wiederkehrendem Nasenbluten, ie constantly look up at night and whether child, pajamas, bed, bed sheets are already red. During the day, somewhat tired trying to get everything on the line ... which I really do not always succeed ... but actually I wanted to show cuddly wool. Here it is:

with 25% alpaca sooo wonderful cuddly soft. Unfortunately, it tends to tear easily entangle the Sun Has the knitting enjoyment but did not diminish and the order is ready and sweaters waiting to join his new owner. Pictures of it? Yes there are ... When ... Eh, yes - see above!

Until the day
Your lunar same

PS wool ordered here - CLICK!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pokemon Shinygold Rom Mac

Bewohner des "Grünen Wohnzimmers"

Today there will be a brief review on the photo 2010. It will address both "purely photographic highlights are shown, as well as images, which counts for me is primarily an encounter with the subject.

year after year I photograph extensively the inconspicuous
spring flowers hunger
. The small plants to pull me over and over again and so I'm looking for them on a regular basis. From this year's pictures I like this little curved specimen in the evening light particularly well.

had early in the year I have a (again) a special meeting.
The amphibian migration and mating First, I have this year the first time be able to see and observe toads are on the other hand it also enjoys the pictures were taken. Representing I view this area, my personal favorite, the toads dreams.

from this plant I have searched a long time a location near me and they saw this year for the first time in nature. Fortunately, she was actually at the time of our visit in full bloom. The Pasque is on many nature photographers (even among those who care about little else flowers) as popular as orchids.

for which I was beginning my hunger flowers. This is under protected specimen I photographed last evening light.

much bothered me this year, the

Solomon's Seal. The unopened flower buds give a green color and forms image.

The yellow-bellied toad I already wanted to see long time. The Hilfe einer Freundin hat es dieses Jahr endlich geklappt. In ihrem sumpfig-lehmig-nassen Lebensraum sind Aufnahmen sehr schwer, für mich zählte hier in erster Linie das Erlebnis, diese kleinen Amphibien einmal beobachten zu können. 

Sehr eindrucksvoll war die Botanik-Exkursion in die Alpen. Aus fotografischer Sicht "unmögliche Bedingungen", da nie ausreichend oder überhaupt Zeit fürs Fotografieren war. Dennoch war die Exkursion sehr schön und vor allem lehrreich. Viele Alpenpflanzen konnte ich zum ersten Mal sehen. Besonders beeindruckend wirkte auf mich die Anpassungsfähigkeit an das Life in the rock, is to follow including another journal. An example for this week is shown here, the fat cabbage.

Many hours and lots of enthusiasm in the summer took the photograph in the water. A significant concern was the abundant flowering
Water crowfoot . The photography makes one part fun, on the other hand also very difficult. The camera, despite deep perspective (and elsewhere) do not get wet and even worse: the subject moves continuously through the rivers. Even with these pictures for me the cue was critical of what the next shows problems: Either the sun was too bright or already set. However, many photos turned out well and I have fond memories of this slightly different photograph I will certainly pick up next year in the summer. In addition to the Water crowfoot I later in the year also has the water hose photographed in the water.

As I sat in the water anyway, I have also photographed nor the animal inhabitants. Here is one of the many males of the banded demoiselle, who took the Water crowfoot than happy hunting.

to changing light and shade in the summer games led to results such as the headlights
spinning lantern . The latter is appreciated here again.

were a highlight in every way the bees Wolves in the summer. Both biologically and photographically was and I am absolutely fascinated by them. It is a rare solitary wasp, the gears in sand burrows and your dealings or as food for bees and their offspring die Gänge später wieder verschließt. Zu diesen Tieren soll noch ein Artenportrait folgen. Diese hier aus der Höhle guckende gefällt mir ganz besonders.

Dieses Jahr habe ich außerdem analoge Objektive "wieder entdeckt". Mit einem Adapter sind sie auch an digitalen Kameras funktionstüchtig. Sie haben zwar nicht die Qualität moderner Objektive, aber mit ihren ihren sogenannten "Objektivfehlern" entstehen manchmal sehr schöne Spielereien - vor allem im Gegenlicht.

to early start of 2010 I met with the landscape photography and HDR technology a little apart. In a holiday in Provence, I was able to deepen it. In very good memory, I remember, particularly the ocher quarries.

The praying mantis in the vineyards behind the house I visit regularly and follow their development. This year was not a good year. Presumably through the long rainy periods in spring and summer were not all adult animals, and many very late. Even in August, I've seen small larvae. One evening the light was due for a series of silhouettes.

course I have also accompanied the whole year on the photographic

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How Should I Style My Bangs


after a long, long search, our new "old house" found.

We were just 20 minutes of it and decided spontaneously
It simply has everything worked out!. The rooms, the size of the garden, and of course the price. * Freu *

forget the pain we had in the fall when our old "dream house" was sold just behind our backs. Great, I found the many comforting words of you who have helped me at that time very much.
But this time it runs more smoothly.
Much renovation work is now before us. We also have some more time until it really started going and can plan in peace. The apartment must be sold yet. Therefore, we will not only attract each other at a construction site. I will keep you determined, then even, unfortunately, not so much time to Blogging remains.

Have a nice week and best wishes of happy cheering forest asset

Monday, February 14, 2011

Top 20 Slow Popular Songs

Colorful fish ... In

romped ... on my dining table.

now they are all swam to wife flowers colored flowers the colored flower sea ! Most particularly I like the gay guy here so

knit with this pattern - CLICK!
is a great leftovers and I think they fit well into the sea of \u200b\u200bflowers to mermaid and jellyfish (yes, now I've got it too ... laugh).
Sets can also have other great stuff from Make as little fish * *

leichtverrückteideenhab front of the crazy things come but for now the jobs. With me because just noticed that I have are almost only common thing here ... I think it will soon be time again for something extraordinary.

First, I show you yes, but still access the wool sweater for my order, which is also almost finished. I am limping a bit behind.
gives then just tomorrow or the day after.

warmly welcome I would like my new reader. I'm always here's a new huge I-readers on WoolBizarre.

I wish you all a good start to the week
Eure Mondelbe

Friday, February 11, 2011

Burton Traid Vs Cartel

Stacheliges Zuhause

location: snowy vineyard of 10 Feburary 2010

Image data: Canon 50D of 4 December 2010
Image data: Canon 50D
Image data: Canon 50D

Design: Joey of 4 December 2010
Image data: Canon 50D  

Motiv: Lucie & Joey vom 4. Dezember 2010
Aufnahmedaten: Canon 50D

Design: Lucie of 4 December 2010

Design: Joey & Lucie of 4 December 2010 Image data: Canon 50D

The foliage is finally dropped and the first snow already there, but some images are reminiscent of the literally golden autumn in the beech forest
motif. Buchwald, 31 October 2010

Image data: Canon 50D Shading is problematic for the camera, the interplay of sun and shadow and a light autumn winds do not make the job easier.

Image data: Canon 50D ! Red "-" Look at the tree, something I've never seen "
Design: Japanese maple from November 1, 2010

considered very close, it is clear by the autumn colors, the far vezweigte "core network" of a leaf.
subject: Details: Red wine leaves of 21 November 2010

Image data: Canon 50D I have dealt first with DFF (= Deep Focus Fusion), I am satisfied with the result. The light reflections in the drops are somewhat problematic. Perhaps be found in the winter even more possibilities to experiment with this technique.

Design: Japanese Maple 1 November 2010

Image data: Canon 50D
Design: Spitz of 20 November 2010
Image data: Canon 50D

Design: Spitz of 20 November 2010
Design: wood bridge, 18 September 2010
Image data: Canon 50D

Design: wood bridge, 18 September 2010
Image data: Canon 50D further found in a paddock, another small detail:
Design: wood bridge, 18 September 2010

Image data: Canon 50D
Design: wood bridge, 18 September 2010