"Keep Cool"
Many travelers from Europe and North America who will come to India struck in the first weeks of the usual "Welcome diseases." For up to 70% of all passengers contribute the first few days, or even Weeks in India laxative. Many complain of abdominal pain and others are infected in the very first days of their arrival with malaria. The first two evils are the other bacteria in food and water due to malaria and the evil, known in Europe, the mosquito.
Since my arrival I can complain about any of these unpleasant side effects. My stomach seems to have used a lot ...
Since yesterday, however, I would much rather have all three "diseases" to take all at once into buying in order to exchange them for what me at this moment in the madness drives
sit for exactly one day and one night I usually cross-legged on my Bed. Directly in front of my bed: a huge fan in the form of a washing machine. This blows me indispensable for hours against air. As I sit in front of an idol to him, either executed or turned away from him. There is an hourly rotation rhythm observed. My eyes are now dry as edible paper and my nose and throat register already, due to prolonged drought, have their say. In return, I got it but pretty cool. What makes me really ready, this itching. The whole body, from head to toe.
all started a few days ago. Warm and sultry nights, here in India rob, a happy time for sleep. The ceiling fans stutter all night and that is where we like to watch in bed. You turn around and scratching himself a little bit behind the knee. Scratch once again on the thigh and then we dozed off again. In the scratch half asleep one more beautiful then; Only once in the knee, thigh then up at the hip. At some point, you do the second hand. Scratch on and on. And somehow the whole time scratching gives no relief. No. It always itches even more. Yes, yes, fingernails and sweat are a dangerous mix.
And suddenly you wake up and it itches all over. So strong, that's not even think of sleeping. Only to the scratching. A vicious circle. After three nights were scratching meine Arme, Beine, der Rücken und die Schultern übersät von roten, juckend, schmerzenden Pusteln. Irgendwann, ganz am Anfangm hätte man sie vielleicht noch verniedlicht „Hitzepickel“ nennen können doch nun waren sie auch nicht mehr mit Pulver/Talg zu bekämpfen. Am Tag scheuert die Kleidung auf der verschwitzen Haut und in der nacht wird gekratzt. Gestern war es nicht mehr aus zu halten und ich suchte nach einem Namen für dieses Pain. Die „Wikipedia-Selbst-Diagnose“ kam zu dem Ergebnis: Miliaria. Kein Malaria! Ein Glück!
Ich suchte einen indischen Hausarzt auf. Nachdem ich ihm meine Diagnose vorlegte und er sie nur noch absegnete, erzählte ich ihm noch ein paar Geschichten über Hitler. This one is just as Lenin, very famous. Then there was also prompt the 200 rupees that I had to pay in advance.
held after this bizarre visit to the Indian dermatologist I have a piece of paper and two drugs in the hand. On the note was only: "Keep Cool"
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