Finally, after three days of travel I'm arrived yesterday evening Vijayawada!
arrived Really I'm only just now. I've taken a shower and fresh clothes to sit on the balcony of the Volunteer Flat. Über den Flug von Dubai nach Indien, über die Ankunft und nächtigung in Hyderabad, sowie auch über die Bahnfahrt von Hyderbad nach Vijayawada werde ich hier nichts schreiben, kann aber versichern das die Geschichten nicht vergessen sind und nur für später aufgehoben werden!
Hinzuzufügen ist lediglich, das ich in meinem Zimmer in Hyderabad das mit Abstand kitschigste, hässlichste Jesus Bild hängen hatte.
Es zeigte Jesus am Kreuz im speckigem „Ölmalerei Stil“ und in 3D. Der kracher war jedoch das es neben dem 3D Effekt auch noch ein „Wendebild“ war. Von Links nach Rechts änderte sich Jesus Gesichtsausdruck von gequält zu regungslos, tot, blutüberströmt. Christentum meets Indian Trash. Ich werde mich bemühen dieses Bild zu ergattern.
Also: Ich bin nun angekommen. An einem Stück. Mit all meinen Sachen!
Nach einem Einleitungsvortrag heute morgen (welcher gute 3 Stunden dauerte), und einem Rundgang durch das Haupthaus des Projektes haben wir nun drei Tage frei. Dank sind muslimische Feiertage. Wir wohnen bis jetzt zu dritt in einer WG in der nähe des Haupthauses des Projektes. Das Projekt scheint westlich, gut organisiert und riesig zu sein. Am Montag werden wir durch die Verschiedenen Stationen in und außerhalb der Stadt geführt.
Nun, was kann man bis jetzt zu Indien sagen? Eine genaue Auswertung meiner Erlebnisse in den letzten drei Tagen würde clearly beyond the scope, so I will only report on road traffic and the behavior of the Indians against "westerners".
I was kindly picked up by a car. When asked where are the seatbelts in the back I was told, "You dont need them."
The journey began, and I almost died in the back seat! It was not me driving on the left which drove the gray in the face, it would have been nice if they speak of a left-or right-hand traffic could have been. No road markings, no signs, a few traffic lights fun. All at once, in all directions. 4 Indians on a moped without a helmet. Total chaos, suicide. Everyone goes there, where it sees fit. It will signal to honk your horn to "here am I," to warn "I'm going back on the right side of the street" or when injected around the corner. Almost all the time, in all possible registers jingle and melodies. From
and I catch some signs that say "No horn use" is. What irony.
After 10 minutes, however, changed my horror in a permanent grin at. The scene was simply too crazy to react differently. More fear of the road would lead to a serious mental illness. Since I'm cured, would continue despite the latter only in a tank. With all the chaos that There is at first glance, the Indians eighth to one another up. I would say after three days of fasting, they are very good drivers.
on the behavior of the Indians against me and other "Westerners" I can say one thing: The Indians are quite
In case of a Fair-skinned Europeans, like my stature ever so striking after the geglotzt I find it hard not to meet them full carrot grin. Here in Vijayawada I share a flat with me and Michael Frederick. Frederick is 2.05 meter tall and fair skinned. For him, the Indians raced out completely! I bet they would pay admission to see him:) As we walked around town just now, were a bit of shopping, we could barely save himself from the Indians. By themselves or they flocked to us shook hands and wanted to know our names. Fear of contact are as fatal as they feel at the wrong reaction arg stepped on their toes. Just always easy to say his own name, the name of the Father and the country of origin. nod then still hard at the question of how we find "their land" (and remember after that instantly makes it even among the Indians so the other way around it: shaking the head means yes nod and NO) and you're in the gossipy small talk with 20, mostly young Indians . Quite a few people may all seem very intrusive, but the majority of Indians are just curious sociable and interested.
Although it may perhaps be premature, but I think these examples show what feeling most Westerners feel here; Pure gray or the exact opposite. Either you hate it or you love it.
India has discovered, however, always both: the horror and happiness. The border between them is smooth. To opt for one would be naive.
The statements here are based on personal experience, do not have a scientific and sociological truth claims, and are determined by each interpreted differently:) So it is up to the reader to make yourself a picture of this beautiful place on earth with its inhabitants.
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