Komaram Puli is a respected police officer in the state of Andra Pradesh. He has made it his mission to reform in his beloved India, the police. Once really do away with all the corrupt scum.
He beats and shoots himself through India. He jumps from the helicopter on his opponents, blocked bullets with the sword and breaks on it in two to snapping baseball bats with bare hands. He is master of all martial arts and the women are on him. The latter seems to me very improbable, since he wears a mustache. But this is now even more than acceptable.
Today, after three days free, we decided to go to the movies. It is located a few steps up the street and costs 100 rupees per screening (200 rupees is about 2.50 €). The film was to 13:05,13:15,13:20. We chose the show at 13:20. Awarded the film was over 18, the more surprised I was then, as in the cinema (which was far too loud) a baby cried. But surprised with the time you about not so much:) The
this movie, is probably never in Western cinema is clear. He seems to Westerners as an exaggerated satire. Indian cinema can translate well to the West with the words "trash" and "kitsch". Here in India the film but assumes a key position in the culture industry: Through him, next to the film itself, the music releases, which gained high popularity and is played in the radios. Lange, backed inserted dance sequences with a mixture of poorly produced, western pop music and Indian folklore characterize these films.
a little getting used to but still kind of nice:)
interesting is the image of women and dealing with sexuality, eroticism and love. What is shown in the movies is not the treatment of sexuality in the Indian public and is much more liberal (probably why so many Indians go to the movies and the industry boombt above). This would contribute to the liberalization of the Indian film and emancipation, on the other hand is a negative sexualization of society in which the woman is a pure sex object. (About what you are all so thought makes three hours while watching a movie in a language which is understood not to some extent)
I can not tell much new here except the one on the streets und an das öffentliche, alltägliche Leben gewöhnt hat. Um diese gesamte Szenerie zu beschreiben reicht leider kein Blog der Welt.
Jetzt geht es um das Verhalten untereinander. Das wird sicher eine harte Nuss mit vielen Fettnäpfchen in die es zu treten gilt. Mit der Zeit gewöhne ich mich schon an das Kopfschütteln bei „ja“ und an das schnalzen und mit der Hand wackeln bei „nein“. Die vielen Körperkontakte und das „Händchen halten“ unter Männern war für mich von Anfang an ein kein sonderlich großes Problem. Es geht darum sich von sexuellen Symbolen und Verhaltensweisen zu lösen, die eigene „Kulturelle Brille“ ab zu legen und alles neu zu erlernen.
Otherwise, we sleep late, relax on the terrace and walk off and around on the streets. There we will drink freshly squeezed juices (a dream), eat chilli noodles, buy useful things and, and, and.
services, regional fruits and foods here are "very favorable" to not say shit cheap (A portion of chilli noodles for € 0.30)! For branded products, and clothing must be here already pay more but it remains, despite its cheap compared to Germany (a good shirt for 4 €).
When the prices must also be noted that there are still tourist prices. Locals pay less. Therefore, whatever be traded. Up to half.
Then you stand there in front of the dirt-poor woman who sells coconuts and really has nothing. She says "please eight rupees," and you know exactly which one to haggle down to half can. And in that moment you will come across bitter, because it occurs to a capitalist trading maxim and the related advertising slogan: "greed is good".
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