Saturday, September 25, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Places To Get Football Helmet Repainted?
Andra Pradesh is a state on the West Coast of South India. It drives tourists to go there very often, and politically, this quiet corner of India. The major conflicts and political decisions rather play India from the north. The capital of Andhra Pradesh, is about 3 million people, Hyderabad.
six hours by train southeast of Hyderabad, towards the coast, is Vijayawada.
Vijayawada is characterized by one of the largest transit stations in the region. The station
is considered the hub for the South Indian metal industry and has contributed to a strong promotion of car repair body shop in Vijayawada.
founded in 1989, Father Koshi there, the street children project Navajeevan.
Navajeevan means in German: "New Life".
Today, more than 20 years later, the project is one of the largest in Andhra Pradesh.
It includes a number of institutions which include a theoretical education, practical training, and legal advice for "young children at risk" offer.
I will try here to outline the structure of the project a bit to give you an idea of \u200b\u200bthe project.
The traffic situation Vijayawadas leads to a daily influx of runaways, street children and drug addicts, young people. Most newcomers come by train.
The first and best way to contact the children and young people to take on is thus directly at the station. There, working the street team presence. It builds on the first trusting relations with the children / young people.
direct to the station the first stop for street children is located: The Shelter.
This is the first stop in the cycle of Navajeevan project. Children and young people of all ages come to this place.
Their names are recorded and they will be registered. Your CV and the reason which she has put in this situation is understood.
will now decide the way forward.
the parents live to? Can the child back to his family? Will the child back to his family?
Depending on the answers to these questions, there is a "home integration" or entering the actual Navajeevan project.
Many children are not addicted to drugs. Most of solvents, followed closely by alcohol. For these children it is, after getting used to a regular routine in the "Vemukthi Camp".
60 km from Vijayawadas, surrounded by mango trees and palm trees on an Indian court.
starts here the cessation of the toxic substances. A little teaching, a lot of sport and fun is the young people in 3 weeks to other thoughts.
Many young people have a level of knowledge, which for her age is not appropriate.
For the children / young people who want to later go to the college, it is now the Metu (or Setu for girls). This is a Bridge School which in 6 months the children / young for her age gives the basic knowledge required in each case, to attend a State school.
go after these 6 months it back into the mainstream. The children / Juendlichen visit now go through a normal state school and for the Scheduled Education.
The children / young people who are interested in any higher education can go straight to the Practial School. There, they learn a trade. Either bicycle mechanic, electrician or plumbing. For girls, there are computer courses or introductions to "Beauty Ness
While all of these stations to learn to live, the children play in the respective projects. For the catering is taken care of and they have to worry about anything. Also during the visit of a state school or even college room and board is free for them.
of the sons will eventually adults. You go to college and have a level of education which enables them to teach younger children. From that point Navajeevan is self-sufficient. The children were picked up at the station 10 years ago, now teaching in Navajeevan itself.
I here just over half of the sub-project of Navajeevan had imagined. These were only the most important, which form the backbone of Navajeevan. To name
were others: Chiguru, Child Safety Net, Naveena, Infirmary.
Those interested in a more detailed description of the whole project and in a self-representation, I should simply send an email.
Andra Pradesh is a state on the West Coast of South India. It drives tourists to go there very often, and politically, this quiet corner of India. The major conflicts and political decisions rather play India from the north. The capital of Andhra Pradesh, is about 3 million people, Hyderabad.
six hours by train southeast of Hyderabad, towards the coast, is Vijayawada.
Vijayawada is characterized by one of the largest transit stations in the region. The station
is considered the hub for the South Indian metal industry and has contributed to a strong promotion of car repair body shop in Vijayawada.
founded in 1989, Father Koshi there, the street children project Navajeevan.
Navajeevan means in German: "New Life".
Today, more than 20 years later, the project is one of the largest in Andhra Pradesh.
It includes a number of institutions which include a theoretical education, practical training, and legal advice for "young children at risk" offer.
I will try here to outline the structure of the project a bit to give you an idea of \u200b\u200bthe project.
The traffic situation Vijayawadas leads to a daily influx of runaways, street children and drug addicts, young people. Most newcomers come by train.
The first and best way to contact the children and young people to take on is thus directly at the station. There, working the street team presence. It builds on the first trusting relations with the children / young people.
direct to the station the first stop for street children is located: The Shelter.
This is the first stop in the cycle of Navajeevan project. Children and young people of all ages come to this place.
Their names are recorded and they will be registered. Your CV and the reason which she has put in this situation is understood.
will now decide the way forward.
the parents live to? Can the child back to his family? Will the child back to his family?
Depending on the answers to these questions, there is a "home integration" or entering the actual Navajeevan project.
Many children are not addicted to drugs. Most of solvents, followed closely by alcohol. For these children it is, after getting used to a regular routine in the "Vemukthi Camp".
60 km from Vijayawadas, surrounded by mango trees and palm trees on an Indian court.
starts here the cessation of the toxic substances. A little teaching, a lot of sport and fun is the young people in 3 weeks to other thoughts.
Many young people have a level of knowledge, which for her age is not appropriate.
For the children / young people who want to later go to the college, it is now the Metu (or Setu for girls). This is a Bridge School which in 6 months the children / young for her age gives the basic knowledge required in each case, to attend a State school.
go after these 6 months it back into the mainstream. The children / Juendlichen visit now go through a normal state school and for the Scheduled Education.
The children / young people who are interested in any higher education can go straight to the Practial School. There, they learn a trade. Either bicycle mechanic, electrician or plumbing. For girls, there are computer courses or introductions to "Beauty Ness
While all of these stations to learn to live, the children play in the respective projects. For the catering is taken care of and they have to worry about anything. Also during the visit of a state school or even college room and board is free for them.
of the sons will eventually adults. You go to college and have a level of education which enables them to teach younger children. From that point Navajeevan is self-sufficient. The children were picked up at the station 10 years ago, now teaching in Navajeevan itself.
I here just over half of the sub-project of Navajeevan had imagined. These were only the most important, which form the backbone of Navajeevan. To name
were others: Chiguru, Child Safety Net, Naveena, Infirmary.
Those interested in a more detailed description of the whole project and in a self-representation, I should simply send an email.
Ford Mustang Party Theme
wool madness ....
But somehow we have wool and knitting addict but even such a small wool-delusion, or?
a nice Wednesday (here beautifully the sun shines)
wishes you
Mrs. Moon Elbe - which now goes needles a violin key ready (wink to wife flowers stained )
But somehow we have wool and knitting addict but even such a small wool-delusion, or?
a nice Wednesday (here beautifully the sun shines)
wishes you
Mrs. Moon Elbe - which now goes needles a violin key ready (wink to wife flowers stained )
Sunday, September 19, 2010
How Much Is Parrot Bay Alcohol
my computer is broken! I stepped into the night on. I will try to repair it to give. What we do in samsung center in Vijayawada was not possible to buy a new or just stay here until then
Now it was at once BUT it possible for repair to give. Just went there again and suddenly it went. Somehow typical of India. For the patient, resolute, this is the land of Moeglichekiten.
I have here the way, bought a motorcycle. The Yamaha RX100. A dream on two wheels. After the year I will sell it again.
At the traffic and daily as well as all the others I am now used to. The Urlaubsgefuehl gives way to the daily grind.
only to transport the gas, I will probably never get used here: In full sun, piled high and unsafe, the gas bottle on a Fahrradriksha drove through the area. It seems to me that as life threatening!
I will in the next few days, once efforts are more photos to upload as shown in the blog. But I say the same: I am not a good light generator and still photo Faul.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Blonde With Brown Highlights Extensions
I do with ...
... because such a
can be more than welcome! refers
All information on great advertising campaign on her Buxmann .
Monday, September 13, 2010
Monopoly Property Cards To Print
"Keep Cool"
Many travelers from Europe and North America who will come to India struck in the first weeks of the usual "Welcome diseases." For up to 70% of all passengers contribute the first few days, or even Weeks in India laxative. Many complain of abdominal pain and others are infected in the very first days of their arrival with malaria. The first two evils are the other bacteria in food and water due to malaria and the evil, known in Europe, the mosquito.
Since my arrival I can complain about any of these unpleasant side effects. My stomach seems to have used a lot ...
Since yesterday, however, I would much rather have all three "diseases" to take all at once into buying in order to exchange them for what me at this moment in the madness drives
sit for exactly one day and one night I usually cross-legged on my Bed. Directly in front of my bed: a huge fan in the form of a washing machine. This blows me indispensable for hours against air. As I sit in front of an idol to him, either executed or turned away from him. There is an hourly rotation rhythm observed. My eyes are now dry as edible paper and my nose and throat register already, due to prolonged drought, have their say. In return, I got it but pretty cool. What makes me really ready, this itching. The whole body, from head to toe.
all started a few days ago. Warm and sultry nights, here in India rob, a happy time for sleep. The ceiling fans stutter all night and that is where we like to watch in bed. You turn around and scratching himself a little bit behind the knee. Scratch once again on the thigh and then we dozed off again. In the scratch half asleep one more beautiful then; Only once in the knee, thigh then up at the hip. At some point, you do the second hand. Scratch on and on. And somehow the whole time scratching gives no relief. No. It always itches even more. Yes, yes, fingernails and sweat are a dangerous mix.
And suddenly you wake up and it itches all over. So strong, that's not even think of sleeping. Only to the scratching. A vicious circle. After three nights were scratching meine Arme, Beine, der Rücken und die Schultern übersät von roten, juckend, schmerzenden Pusteln. Irgendwann, ganz am Anfangm hätte man sie vielleicht noch verniedlicht „Hitzepickel“ nennen können doch nun waren sie auch nicht mehr mit Pulver/Talg zu bekämpfen. Am Tag scheuert die Kleidung auf der verschwitzen Haut und in der nacht wird gekratzt. Gestern war es nicht mehr aus zu halten und ich suchte nach einem Namen für dieses Pain. Die „Wikipedia-Selbst-Diagnose“ kam zu dem Ergebnis: Miliaria. Kein Malaria! Ein Glück!
Ich suchte einen indischen Hausarzt auf. Nachdem ich ihm meine Diagnose vorlegte und er sie nur noch absegnete, erzählte ich ihm noch ein paar Geschichten über Hitler. This one is just as Lenin, very famous. Then there was also prompt the 200 rupees that I had to pay in advance.
held after this bizarre visit to the Indian dermatologist I have a piece of paper and two drugs in the hand. On the note was only: "Keep Cool"
Many travelers from Europe and North America who will come to India struck in the first weeks of the usual "Welcome diseases." For up to 70% of all passengers contribute the first few days, or even Weeks in India laxative. Many complain of abdominal pain and others are infected in the very first days of their arrival with malaria. The first two evils are the other bacteria in food and water due to malaria and the evil, known in Europe, the mosquito.
Since my arrival I can complain about any of these unpleasant side effects. My stomach seems to have used a lot ...
Since yesterday, however, I would much rather have all three "diseases" to take all at once into buying in order to exchange them for what me at this moment in the madness drives
sit for exactly one day and one night I usually cross-legged on my Bed. Directly in front of my bed: a huge fan in the form of a washing machine. This blows me indispensable for hours against air. As I sit in front of an idol to him, either executed or turned away from him. There is an hourly rotation rhythm observed. My eyes are now dry as edible paper and my nose and throat register already, due to prolonged drought, have their say. In return, I got it but pretty cool. What makes me really ready, this itching. The whole body, from head to toe.
all started a few days ago. Warm and sultry nights, here in India rob, a happy time for sleep. The ceiling fans stutter all night and that is where we like to watch in bed. You turn around and scratching himself a little bit behind the knee. Scratch once again on the thigh and then we dozed off again. In the scratch half asleep one more beautiful then; Only once in the knee, thigh then up at the hip. At some point, you do the second hand. Scratch on and on. And somehow the whole time scratching gives no relief. No. It always itches even more. Yes, yes, fingernails and sweat are a dangerous mix.
And suddenly you wake up and it itches all over. So strong, that's not even think of sleeping. Only to the scratching. A vicious circle. After three nights were scratching meine Arme, Beine, der Rücken und die Schultern übersät von roten, juckend, schmerzenden Pusteln. Irgendwann, ganz am Anfangm hätte man sie vielleicht noch verniedlicht „Hitzepickel“ nennen können doch nun waren sie auch nicht mehr mit Pulver/Talg zu bekämpfen. Am Tag scheuert die Kleidung auf der verschwitzen Haut und in der nacht wird gekratzt. Gestern war es nicht mehr aus zu halten und ich suchte nach einem Namen für dieses Pain. Die „Wikipedia-Selbst-Diagnose“ kam zu dem Ergebnis: Miliaria. Kein Malaria! Ein Glück!
Ich suchte einen indischen Hausarzt auf. Nachdem ich ihm meine Diagnose vorlegte und er sie nur noch absegnete, erzählte ich ihm noch ein paar Geschichten über Hitler. This one is just as Lenin, very famous. Then there was also prompt the 200 rupees that I had to pay in advance.
held after this bizarre visit to the Indian dermatologist I have a piece of paper and two drugs in the hand. On the note was only: "Keep Cool"
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Gold Desert Eagle Airsoft Sale
"I take two, for 16 rupees," "Thank you "
Komaram Puli is a respected police officer in the state of Andra Pradesh. He has made it his mission to reform in his beloved India, the police. Once really do away with all the corrupt scum.
He beats and shoots himself through India. He jumps from the helicopter on his opponents, blocked bullets with the sword and breaks on it in two to snapping baseball bats with bare hands. He is master of all martial arts and the women are on him. The latter seems to me very improbable, since he wears a mustache. But this is now even more than acceptable.
Today, after three days free, we decided to go to the movies. It is located a few steps up the street and costs 100 rupees per screening (200 rupees is about 2.50 €). The film was to 13:05,13:15,13:20. We chose the show at 13:20. Awarded the film was over 18, the more surprised I was then, as in the cinema (which was far too loud) a baby cried. But surprised with the time you about not so much:) The
this movie, is probably never in Western cinema is clear. He seems to Westerners as an exaggerated satire. Indian cinema can translate well to the West with the words "trash" and "kitsch". Here in India the film but assumes a key position in the culture industry: Through him, next to the film itself, the music releases, which gained high popularity and is played in the radios. Lange, backed inserted dance sequences with a mixture of poorly produced, western pop music and Indian folklore characterize these films.
a little getting used to but still kind of nice:)
interesting is the image of women and dealing with sexuality, eroticism and love. What is shown in the movies is not the treatment of sexuality in the Indian public and is much more liberal (probably why so many Indians go to the movies and the industry boombt above). This would contribute to the liberalization of the Indian film and emancipation, on the other hand is a negative sexualization of society in which the woman is a pure sex object. (About what you are all so thought makes three hours while watching a movie in a language which is understood not to some extent)
I can not tell much new here except the one on the streets und an das öffentliche, alltägliche Leben gewöhnt hat. Um diese gesamte Szenerie zu beschreiben reicht leider kein Blog der Welt.
Jetzt geht es um das Verhalten untereinander. Das wird sicher eine harte Nuss mit vielen Fettnäpfchen in die es zu treten gilt. Mit der Zeit gewöhne ich mich schon an das Kopfschütteln bei „ja“ und an das schnalzen und mit der Hand wackeln bei „nein“. Die vielen Körperkontakte und das „Händchen halten“ unter Männern war für mich von Anfang an ein kein sonderlich großes Problem. Es geht darum sich von sexuellen Symbolen und Verhaltensweisen zu lösen, die eigene „Kulturelle Brille“ ab zu legen und alles neu zu erlernen.
Otherwise, we sleep late, relax on the terrace and walk off and around on the streets. There we will drink freshly squeezed juices (a dream), eat chilli noodles, buy useful things and, and, and.
services, regional fruits and foods here are "very favorable" to not say shit cheap (A portion of chilli noodles for € 0.30)! For branded products, and clothing must be here already pay more but it remains, despite its cheap compared to Germany (a good shirt for 4 €).
When the prices must also be noted that there are still tourist prices. Locals pay less. Therefore, whatever be traded. Up to half.
Then you stand there in front of the dirt-poor woman who sells coconuts and really has nothing. She says "please eight rupees," and you know exactly which one to haggle down to half can. And in that moment you will come across bitter, because it occurs to a capitalist trading maxim and the related advertising slogan: "greed is good".
Komaram Puli is a respected police officer in the state of Andra Pradesh. He has made it his mission to reform in his beloved India, the police. Once really do away with all the corrupt scum.
He beats and shoots himself through India. He jumps from the helicopter on his opponents, blocked bullets with the sword and breaks on it in two to snapping baseball bats with bare hands. He is master of all martial arts and the women are on him. The latter seems to me very improbable, since he wears a mustache. But this is now even more than acceptable.
Today, after three days free, we decided to go to the movies. It is located a few steps up the street and costs 100 rupees per screening (200 rupees is about 2.50 €). The film was to 13:05,13:15,13:20. We chose the show at 13:20. Awarded the film was over 18, the more surprised I was then, as in the cinema (which was far too loud) a baby cried. But surprised with the time you about not so much:) The
this movie, is probably never in Western cinema is clear. He seems to Westerners as an exaggerated satire. Indian cinema can translate well to the West with the words "trash" and "kitsch". Here in India the film but assumes a key position in the culture industry: Through him, next to the film itself, the music releases, which gained high popularity and is played in the radios. Lange, backed inserted dance sequences with a mixture of poorly produced, western pop music and Indian folklore characterize these films.
a little getting used to but still kind of nice:)
interesting is the image of women and dealing with sexuality, eroticism and love. What is shown in the movies is not the treatment of sexuality in the Indian public and is much more liberal (probably why so many Indians go to the movies and the industry boombt above). This would contribute to the liberalization of the Indian film and emancipation, on the other hand is a negative sexualization of society in which the woman is a pure sex object. (About what you are all so thought makes three hours while watching a movie in a language which is understood not to some extent)
I can not tell much new here except the one on the streets und an das öffentliche, alltägliche Leben gewöhnt hat. Um diese gesamte Szenerie zu beschreiben reicht leider kein Blog der Welt.
Jetzt geht es um das Verhalten untereinander. Das wird sicher eine harte Nuss mit vielen Fettnäpfchen in die es zu treten gilt. Mit der Zeit gewöhne ich mich schon an das Kopfschütteln bei „ja“ und an das schnalzen und mit der Hand wackeln bei „nein“. Die vielen Körperkontakte und das „Händchen halten“ unter Männern war für mich von Anfang an ein kein sonderlich großes Problem. Es geht darum sich von sexuellen Symbolen und Verhaltensweisen zu lösen, die eigene „Kulturelle Brille“ ab zu legen und alles neu zu erlernen.
Otherwise, we sleep late, relax on the terrace and walk off and around on the streets. There we will drink freshly squeezed juices (a dream), eat chilli noodles, buy useful things and, and, and.
services, regional fruits and foods here are "very favorable" to not say shit cheap (A portion of chilli noodles for € 0.30)! For branded products, and clothing must be here already pay more but it remains, despite its cheap compared to Germany (a good shirt for 4 €).
When the prices must also be noted that there are still tourist prices. Locals pay less. Therefore, whatever be traded. Up to half.
Then you stand there in front of the dirt-poor woman who sells coconuts and really has nothing. She says "please eight rupees," and you know exactly which one to haggle down to half can. And in that moment you will come across bitter, because it occurs to a capitalist trading maxim and the related advertising slogan: "greed is good".
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Does Thyroxine Raise Libido?
" Dis is hou whi experreänce snow "
Finally, after three days of travel I'm arrived yesterday evening Vijayawada!
arrived Really I'm only just now. I've taken a shower and fresh clothes to sit on the balcony of the Volunteer Flat. Über den Flug von Dubai nach Indien, über die Ankunft und nächtigung in Hyderabad, sowie auch über die Bahnfahrt von Hyderbad nach Vijayawada werde ich hier nichts schreiben, kann aber versichern das die Geschichten nicht vergessen sind und nur für später aufgehoben werden!
Hinzuzufügen ist lediglich, das ich in meinem Zimmer in Hyderabad das mit Abstand kitschigste, hässlichste Jesus Bild hängen hatte.
Es zeigte Jesus am Kreuz im speckigem „Ölmalerei Stil“ und in 3D. Der kracher war jedoch das es neben dem 3D Effekt auch noch ein „Wendebild“ war. Von Links nach Rechts änderte sich Jesus Gesichtsausdruck von gequält zu regungslos, tot, blutüberströmt. Christentum meets Indian Trash. Ich werde mich bemühen dieses Bild zu ergattern.
Also: Ich bin nun angekommen. An einem Stück. Mit all meinen Sachen!
Nach einem Einleitungsvortrag heute morgen (welcher gute 3 Stunden dauerte), und einem Rundgang durch das Haupthaus des Projektes haben wir nun drei Tage frei. Dank sind muslimische Feiertage. Wir wohnen bis jetzt zu dritt in einer WG in der nähe des Haupthauses des Projektes. Das Projekt scheint westlich, gut organisiert und riesig zu sein. Am Montag werden wir durch die Verschiedenen Stationen in und außerhalb der Stadt geführt.
Nun, was kann man bis jetzt zu Indien sagen? Eine genaue Auswertung meiner Erlebnisse in den letzten drei Tagen würde clearly beyond the scope, so I will only report on road traffic and the behavior of the Indians against "westerners".
I was kindly picked up by a car. When asked where are the seatbelts in the back I was told, "You dont need them."
The journey began, and I almost died in the back seat! It was not me driving on the left which drove the gray in the face, it would have been nice if they speak of a left-or right-hand traffic could have been. No road markings, no signs, a few traffic lights fun. All at once, in all directions. 4 Indians on a moped without a helmet. Total chaos, suicide. Everyone goes there, where it sees fit. It will signal to honk your horn to "here am I," to warn "I'm going back on the right side of the street" or when injected around the corner. Almost all the time, in all possible registers jingle and melodies. From
and I catch some signs that say "No horn use" is. What irony.
After 10 minutes, however, changed my horror in a permanent grin at. The scene was simply too crazy to react differently. More fear of the road would lead to a serious mental illness. Since I'm cured, would continue despite the latter only in a tank. With all the chaos that There is at first glance, the Indians eighth to one another up. I would say after three days of fasting, they are very good drivers.
on the behavior of the Indians against me and other "Westerners" I can say one thing: The Indians are quite
In case of a Fair-skinned Europeans, like my stature ever so striking after the geglotzt I find it hard not to meet them full carrot grin. Here in Vijayawada I share a flat with me and Michael Frederick. Frederick is 2.05 meter tall and fair skinned. For him, the Indians raced out completely! I bet they would pay admission to see him:) As we walked around town just now, were a bit of shopping, we could barely save himself from the Indians. By themselves or they flocked to us shook hands and wanted to know our names. Fear of contact are as fatal as they feel at the wrong reaction arg stepped on their toes. Just always easy to say his own name, the name of the Father and the country of origin. nod then still hard at the question of how we find "their land" (and remember after that instantly makes it even among the Indians so the other way around it: shaking the head means yes nod and NO) and you're in the gossipy small talk with 20, mostly young Indians . Quite a few people may all seem very intrusive, but the majority of Indians are just curious sociable and interested.
Although it may perhaps be premature, but I think these examples show what feeling most Westerners feel here; Pure gray or the exact opposite. Either you hate it or you love it.
India has discovered, however, always both: the horror and happiness. The border between them is smooth. To opt for one would be naive.
The statements here are based on personal experience, do not have a scientific and sociological truth claims, and are determined by each interpreted differently:) So it is up to the reader to make yourself a picture of this beautiful place on earth with its inhabitants.
Finally, after three days of travel I'm arrived yesterday evening Vijayawada!
arrived Really I'm only just now. I've taken a shower and fresh clothes to sit on the balcony of the Volunteer Flat. Über den Flug von Dubai nach Indien, über die Ankunft und nächtigung in Hyderabad, sowie auch über die Bahnfahrt von Hyderbad nach Vijayawada werde ich hier nichts schreiben, kann aber versichern das die Geschichten nicht vergessen sind und nur für später aufgehoben werden!
Hinzuzufügen ist lediglich, das ich in meinem Zimmer in Hyderabad das mit Abstand kitschigste, hässlichste Jesus Bild hängen hatte.
Es zeigte Jesus am Kreuz im speckigem „Ölmalerei Stil“ und in 3D. Der kracher war jedoch das es neben dem 3D Effekt auch noch ein „Wendebild“ war. Von Links nach Rechts änderte sich Jesus Gesichtsausdruck von gequält zu regungslos, tot, blutüberströmt. Christentum meets Indian Trash. Ich werde mich bemühen dieses Bild zu ergattern.
Also: Ich bin nun angekommen. An einem Stück. Mit all meinen Sachen!
Nach einem Einleitungsvortrag heute morgen (welcher gute 3 Stunden dauerte), und einem Rundgang durch das Haupthaus des Projektes haben wir nun drei Tage frei. Dank sind muslimische Feiertage. Wir wohnen bis jetzt zu dritt in einer WG in der nähe des Haupthauses des Projektes. Das Projekt scheint westlich, gut organisiert und riesig zu sein. Am Montag werden wir durch die Verschiedenen Stationen in und außerhalb der Stadt geführt.
Nun, was kann man bis jetzt zu Indien sagen? Eine genaue Auswertung meiner Erlebnisse in den letzten drei Tagen würde clearly beyond the scope, so I will only report on road traffic and the behavior of the Indians against "westerners".
I was kindly picked up by a car. When asked where are the seatbelts in the back I was told, "You dont need them."
The journey began, and I almost died in the back seat! It was not me driving on the left which drove the gray in the face, it would have been nice if they speak of a left-or right-hand traffic could have been. No road markings, no signs, a few traffic lights fun. All at once, in all directions. 4 Indians on a moped without a helmet. Total chaos, suicide. Everyone goes there, where it sees fit. It will signal to honk your horn to "here am I," to warn "I'm going back on the right side of the street" or when injected around the corner. Almost all the time, in all possible registers jingle and melodies. From
and I catch some signs that say "No horn use" is. What irony.
After 10 minutes, however, changed my horror in a permanent grin at. The scene was simply too crazy to react differently. More fear of the road would lead to a serious mental illness. Since I'm cured, would continue despite the latter only in a tank. With all the chaos that There is at first glance, the Indians eighth to one another up. I would say after three days of fasting, they are very good drivers.
on the behavior of the Indians against me and other "Westerners" I can say one thing: The Indians are quite
In case of a Fair-skinned Europeans, like my stature ever so striking after the geglotzt I find it hard not to meet them full carrot grin. Here in Vijayawada I share a flat with me and Michael Frederick. Frederick is 2.05 meter tall and fair skinned. For him, the Indians raced out completely! I bet they would pay admission to see him:) As we walked around town just now, were a bit of shopping, we could barely save himself from the Indians. By themselves or they flocked to us shook hands and wanted to know our names. Fear of contact are as fatal as they feel at the wrong reaction arg stepped on their toes. Just always easy to say his own name, the name of the Father and the country of origin. nod then still hard at the question of how we find "their land" (and remember after that instantly makes it even among the Indians so the other way around it: shaking the head means yes nod and NO) and you're in the gossipy small talk with 20, mostly young Indians . Quite a few people may all seem very intrusive, but the majority of Indians are just curious sociable and interested.
Although it may perhaps be premature, but I think these examples show what feeling most Westerners feel here; Pure gray or the exact opposite. Either you hate it or you love it.
India has discovered, however, always both: the horror and happiness. The border between them is smooth. To opt for one would be naive.
The statements here are based on personal experience, do not have a scientific and sociological truth claims, and are determined by each interpreted differently:) So it is up to the reader to make yourself a picture of this beautiful place on earth with its inhabitants.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Footprint Angel Wing Tattoos
DUBAI International
I still am not in India but would devote an article to the Dubai airport at which I am since yesterday 23h local time.
I slept between two benches in front of a giant plastic palm tree on the carpet. I have not read much, but the books were useful as a pillow than I thought. From my half-sleep, I was unfortunately caught up in the early morning hours when the morning prayer decency. By all speakers.
nourishes I've so far from vegetarian citizens (McDonald's) and French mountain spring water. The area at the gateway is eeewig long and I'm doing my best around between 113 and 200. There are it duty free alcohol, uncomfortable benches, vollgekackte toilets and small electric cars like the one at times riveting. The whole building is quite a hammer. Columns with gold applications, luxurious hotels, lounges, etc. But on second glance, everything seems a little unkind disorganized and filthy.
is in four hours for my flight to Hyderabad and I am already at the right gate.
We'll see when I next get time to write.
I still am not in India but would devote an article to the Dubai airport at which I am since yesterday 23h local time.
I slept between two benches in front of a giant plastic palm tree on the carpet. I have not read much, but the books were useful as a pillow than I thought. From my half-sleep, I was unfortunately caught up in the early morning hours when the morning prayer decency. By all speakers.
nourishes I've so far from vegetarian citizens (McDonald's) and French mountain spring water. The area at the gateway is eeewig long and I'm doing my best around between 113 and 200. There are it duty free alcohol, uncomfortable benches, vollgekackte toilets and small electric cars like the one at times riveting. The whole building is quite a hammer. Columns with gold applications, luxurious hotels, lounges, etc. But on second glance, everything seems a little unkind disorganized and filthy.
is in four hours for my flight to Hyderabad and I am already at the right gate.
We'll see when I next get time to write.
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