Once I realized that my Muse can not kiss so easy, I decided to study the side of the VHS Darmstadt to find something Mrs. Muse could tease out.
So I opted for the course "magic of writing."
The task was thus:
Write an essay - Content:
"Imagine, they have a goal .... and may be prevented from achieving this ... You have 20 minutes. .. good luck! "
the lady I looked at so completely incredulous, scratch my head and reached for my pen
... and there she was ... my good old friend, muse :-)
The alarm clock fell with a thud on the ground. This, too, read his shrill ringing erstummen not. Clarissa held her hands as hard as she could against her ears. While they zukniff their eyes, as this would also change something in the deafening noise, she thought about how long it was since she had been awakened by the soft chirping of birds.

Internally, the white flag waving, she threw her legs out of bed. It would not help ... they had to get up so yet.
looked ready dressed her again in the dressing room mirror to assure himself that she would not stand out by their colleagues lässtige toothpaste stains. They grabbed the key box for the right key and went on his way to the garage.
It was cold and gray, real autumn weather. Clarissa remembered her last vacation in Venice. About how your skin feels comfortably under the Italian sun ... what was it was so beautiful, surrounded by narrow streets and wonderful architecture.
A sudden Honking behind her brought her back from vacation. She had no idea how long they had been camped there before the green light, but it could not really have been a long time. With a conciliatory gesture, she tried to apologize and drove on.
Cheerful whistling drove them through the long avenue. Even if every morning meant that was the end of the alley her office, she went still like under the trees and looked at the small light sources that penetrated while driving through the individual branches through.
But what was this .. there first ... so .... dark ...
She drove slowly, while her eyes permanently closed and reopened. Something on the road had their attention drawn to himself. The car was getting slower and came to a halt.
That could not be true! It had to be fancy ... that would be otherwise just not possible ...
She stared out the window and noticed that the forest was in complete silence. No chirping of birds in the trees, no traffic noise from other cars, no wind ... nothing!
After she rubbed the fourth time the eyes and could see no change, she grabbed the door handle and slowly opened the driver's door.
uncertainty she stood on her legs. Her fingers clutched the mirrors, as this could provide a safer
maintenance, than the bottom. Apparently she had not deceived her and it seemed so unreal. She looked down at her feet and slid gently with one foot before the other, to the point where her car came to a halt. Prior to her car a giant gaping hole in the ground ... an abyss ... a dark black nothingness without end. It looked like an image from a sci-fi movie where the hero of the story suddenly stopped before the end of the earth disc and desperately looking down. Clarissa stared into the blackness. Where everything was going? What the hell happened here?
It was dead silent, as if all life in the world would have stopped shocking the breath. Clarissa also noticed that their breathing never had and gasped for air. Except you and the cold, that sought to place on her neck, there was only the void of endless darkness.
tatstete you slowly with his toes to the edge of the abyss. She was dizzy. She was almost in front as if this thing call after her, ask her to come to him.
Even when it appeared in the 10th Class should jump from the 10-meter board, made her stomach bad problems. But this was different. At least she had her classmates in mind that calling to her courage as she looked at the uneven surface of the water. Now she stood alone, without support and without friends, and above all, without soil or water. She shook her violently to the Get rid of goose bumps, which spread throughout their body. Suddenly a feeling of well-made in her wide and scared away the embarrassment. "Today I do not have to work," her voice seuselte through my mind ... their own! Clearly confused, but somewhat relieved, she turned and walked resolutely back to her car. Today she would have time for themselves, could finally go shopping.
She ran to the engine and sat back while they awaited the start of their favorite song.
whistling sound threw her head from one side to the next, until her something in the rearview mirror stabbed in the eye. What was that? That could be impossible! A bright, aggressive light that came up closer to them. Behind her was impossible to be somebody. Where he should come here too. After all, there was no one and nothing. She swallowed and stepped on the gas. Panic spread through her as the light rankam ever closer to their car. Who the hell was that? Why it elbows so?! Blinking, she tried to follow the road, but her vision was getting worse. The sky had darkened in a flash and it seemed to pull up a storm. Large dark clouds lay down like lead on the turquoise blue of the sky. It came closer and could slow Clarissa their eyes no longer keep it open because this intolerable Bright robbed her of sight. Schweiß lief über ihre Stirn, als ihr bewusst wurde, dass das Licht sie bald eingeholt hatte. Just in diesem Moment quietschten ihre Reifen dröhnend und ihr Wagen began heftig zu schütteln. Dicht gefolgt von einem dumpfen Schlag, der markerschütternd durch Clarissas Körper drang, hörte man ihr Schreien. Es läutete ihr noch immer bedrohlich in den Ohren, als sie sich dennoch traute und die Augen öffnete.
Da lag er noch immer. Polternd und klingelnd, der Wecker...
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