Bewohner des "Grünen Wohnzimmers"
Today there will be a brief review on the photo 2010. It will address both "purely photographic highlights are shown, as well as images, which counts for me is primarily an encounter with the subject.
year after year I photograph extensively the inconspicuous
spring flowers hunger
. The small plants to pull me over and over again and so I'm looking for them on a regular basis. From this year's pictures I like this little curved specimen in the evening light particularly well.
had early in the year I have a (again) a special meeting.
The amphibian migration and mating
First, I have this year the first time be able to see and observe toads are on the other hand it also enjoys the pictures were taken. Representing I view this area, my personal favorite, the toads dreams.
from this plant I have searched a long time a location near me and they saw this year for the first time in nature. Fortunately, she was actually at the time of our visit in full bloom. The Pasque is on many nature photographers (even among those who care about little else flowers) as popular as orchids.
for which I was beginning my hunger flowers. This is under protected specimen I photographed last evening light.
much bothered me this year, the
Solomon's Seal. The unopened flower buds give a green color and forms image.
The yellow-bellied toad I already wanted to see long time. The Hilfe einer Freundin hat es dieses Jahr endlich geklappt. In ihrem sumpfig-lehmig-nassen Lebensraum sind Aufnahmen sehr schwer, für mich zählte hier in erster Linie das Erlebnis, diese kleinen Amphibien einmal beobachten zu können.
Sehr eindrucksvoll war die Botanik-Exkursion in die Alpen. Aus fotografischer Sicht "unmögliche Bedingungen", da nie ausreichend oder überhaupt Zeit fürs Fotografieren war. Dennoch war die Exkursion sehr schön und vor allem lehrreich. Viele Alpenpflanzen konnte ich zum ersten Mal sehen. Besonders beeindruckend wirkte auf mich die Anpassungsfähigkeit an das Life in the rock, is to follow including another journal. An example for this week is shown here, the fat cabbage.
Many hours and lots of enthusiasm in the summer took the photograph in the water. A significant concern was the abundant flowering
Water crowfoot . The photography makes one part fun, on the other hand also very difficult. The camera, despite deep perspective (and elsewhere) do not get wet and even worse: the subject moves continuously through the rivers. Even with these pictures for me the cue was critical of what the next shows problems: Either the sun was too bright or already set. However, many photos turned out well and I have fond memories of this slightly different photograph I will certainly pick up next year in the summer. In addition to the Water crowfoot I later in the year also has the water hose photographed in the water.
As I sat in the water anyway, I have also photographed nor the animal inhabitants. Here is one of the many males of the banded demoiselle, who took the Water crowfoot than happy hunting.
to changing light and shade in the summer games led to results such as the headlights Klee
spinning lantern . The latter is appreciated here again.
were a highlight in every way the bees Wolves in the summer. Both biologically and photographically was and I am absolutely fascinated by them. It is a rare solitary wasp, the gears in sand burrows and your dealings or as food for bees and their offspring die Gänge später wieder verschließt. Zu diesen Tieren soll noch ein Artenportrait folgen. Diese hier aus der Höhle guckende gefällt mir ganz besonders.
Dieses Jahr habe ich außerdem analoge Objektive "wieder entdeckt". Mit einem Adapter sind sie auch an digitalen Kameras funktionstüchtig. Sie haben zwar nicht die Qualität moderner Objektive, aber mit ihren ihren sogenannten "Objektivfehlern" entstehen manchmal sehr schöne Spielereien - vor allem im Gegenlicht.
to early start of 2010 I met with the
landscape photography and HDR technology a little apart. In a holiday in Provence, I was able to deepen it. In very good memory, I remember, particularly the ocher quarries.
The praying mantis in the vineyards behind the house I visit regularly and follow their development. This year was not a good year. Presumably through the long rainy periods in spring and summer were not all adult animals, and many very late. Even in August, I've seen small larvae. One evening the light was due for a series of silhouettes.
course I have also accompanied the whole year on the photographic