Poor passenger, or just lousy drivers? Good intentions or
This question I ask myself very often, and especially again today after I spent about 1 hour in the car next to my partner.
I think it these are not such a simple question and the answer, I will certainly not find it so easy.
To make it easier we are just as great in the show where the children tried to lure the adults of certain words from his mouth, only using a few tips; D
And there you go:
1) Imagine, you ride on the highway and noticed that the car in front moves slower than you already do this either, or at least the same plan it will do. behave What do you make it?!
I tell you now So first, how I behave and since then, as my partner responded in said situation.
- I would of course make sure the first thing that someone is driving behind me or if someone is driving in the fast lane. If this is not the case, I put my turn signal and get ready, very loose flaky to scurry to the left. Once there, I find it very natural that I Omma in the Mercedes was able to get ultra fast, put my turn signal, turn right and shave slowly revealed, a
(naturellement a reasonable distance) .
* Mein Kollege macht das aber so ein ganz kleines bißchen anders.
Er gibt erstmal Gummi
(während ich also Ommas schönen Mercedes von hinten immer näher an uns rankommen sehe, drücke ich bereits meine nicht vorhandene Bremse bis zum Anschlag durch) und shortly vor dem Benz setzt er den Blinker und will gleichzeitig rausziehen. In diesem Moment bemerkt Monsieur allerdings, dass da ja doch noch irgend so ne Pfeife auf der Überholspur fährt, die offensichtlich ebensfalls schon lange vor ihm so reagiert hat, wie "meiner einer" das ja getan hätte.Und zack, dreht sich das Lenkrad ruckartig wieder zurück und der Mensch tritt die Bremse, schüttelt mit dem Kopf and waits until the car has passed.
2) You want to now So normally drive on the highway along to overtake a few cars and simply cruise the only way through the area. - In the fall I hold a steady speed, overtaking cars, drive more slowly, as previously described and row me then right again, unless the distance between the recently collected car and the car I immediately obtain will try too short. Then I spend this time in the fast lane before I even left the vehicle behind me have. If someone is still faster than me and just can not wait until I moved to the side, I'll let this pass Zappelphilip course, I'm so small and sweet and nice and so ;-)
* Mister "Tell-me-just-never-again-as-I-have-to-go" So goes
120Km / h .... in the fast lane and drives and drives, although not in the right lane cars are. At least they go into such a great distance, that even with a speed of
160km / h could easily import and swerving. So he goes there and sees so then at some point in time his rearview mirror.
Oha , there can indeed is actually a tailgaters ... so people do not like it yes ... so he is just very smooth and acts as though he would not see him ... exactly what happened, then, to It itches him but then in the finger. So he steps on the accelerator of his dinosaur-Audi's tried and briskly near the man in front on the right track to come. However, he is naturally left, eh. Because
"Stay smooth!" on my
"Man, let the past but if you always give no gas" he reacts slightly acid and pulls over. Flit past us three stinking mega roundabouts, which we also like only the exhaust gases get to see.
3) Now you want to really take it easy and even overtake a few cars ... like so be it, if you drive 1 hour motorway. - ne yo, here I will then just as explained already at number 2 ;-)
constant speed, overtake, if someone is driving slower and the following
look (mirrors, whether someone is there to put blinker and if fei or space, pull out then) and go
just come ...
jaaaaahahahahaa , der Inhaber des Audi 80, welches eigentlich mehr schlecht als recht auf der Straße rumlatscht, macht das wie bei Nr. 1) mit dem Unterschied, dass er während dem Überholvorgang extrem beschleunigt und nach dem Einscheren noch langsamer fährt, als vorher! Er sitzt also in seinem Auto und fährt und fährt und regt sich über die "Idioten" auf, welche er überholen musste, weil sie so
"uuuuuuuuuuuuuunendlich lahmarschig" fuhren,
die ihn dann aber wenig später selbst wieder einholten, denn das mache ja absolut keinen Sinn!!! Ich wachse also innerlich über mich hinaus
(natürlich, denn die 1,60m werde ich never never again exceed! But, as it was with these high-heels, which I at one evening ... ächäääääm * cough * ) and say:
"No wonder The also think you have ne Macke, because you only in a hurry and overtake your feet after suffering from Alzheimer's and how the dead pedal plops " . Dassssss times but then I would prefer to let the little person remain small, because then the air was in the car for cutting; D
In his defense I must say that he thinks he's a very safe driver - what he actually basically yes even, as he races out and start any rash maneuver.
However, he goes ahead and just do not quite uncertain (see No. 1).
At the end of my article I laugh up their sleeves and I realize that I really no longer has to answer it. It's probably just this: I'm a lousy
passenger and he is a worse driver! ; D
PS: Honey, I love you, p